Here’s a question, where can people buy music tees that ISN’T Hot Topic? My old Bowie shirt doesn’t fit anymore and I’m absolutely flummoxed as to where I can get music shirts now.
Yeah, seriously. If you see me running, it’s only because a t-rex or zombies are right behind me.
Holy shit, I hope I’m that spry at 74. I’m 30 and I won’t even fucking run to catch the train.
Folksy New England? Man, that accent is pure Brooklyn. You can take the man out of New York but you can’t take New York out of the man.
That’s more of a problem with Hollywood and less of a problem with her. The choices women get to play with ages is obscene. If you’re 30 you’re suddenly getting mom roles but you’re too old to be the love interest of someone who is 50. It’s insanity.
Such as?
Stop being intelligent
I just don’t understand why we arbitrarily decide some actresses are good and some are to be hated. Why? What purpose does it serve? JLaw and Anne Hathaway have done nothing wrong, yet they’re reviled.
Hey, the Academy is at least admitting that science fiction is a legitimate genre. I’m pulling so damn hard for Mad Max and The Martian.
I’m okay. That didn’t make me start sobbing at work or anything. >_>
I hate that I’m old enough for people I consider legends to start dying. I’m so wrung out from Bowie’s passing that the suckerpunch that is losing Alan Rickman has knocked me flat.
Ziggy played guitar
The no lunch room thing MUST be some kind of corporate ploy to make eating lunch even HARDER. It discourages the very act of lunch.
It’s a fine line. Lunch is so frought with meaning in an office. Who lunches with who, where you go, if you bring your lunch or not. It’s hilariously intense sometimes. Our office doesn’t have a “lunch room” so you either have to eat in an empty office or at your desk or go out. No one respects lunch either. If you’re…
YES! That’s EXACTLY the term I was looking for! Sums it up perfectly.
Yeah. I meant traditional high brow. The tired old tropes of stale film making that gives us the same movies again and again.
...uh... Are you sure about that...?
The Academy is out of touch in every aspect that matters. This year is bound to be another disappointment. The best movies I saw this year were ones with zero chance of getting an award. Goddammit, Mad Max: Fury Road deserves all the awards. Is it too late to give the Star Wars The Force Awakens cast nominations? More…