
I suppose the bright side is that she could have been soaked in much worse in the clubhouse in Oakland.

Yes. Oakland, Florida to be precise. 

Everyone has a hard-on for Hader. He’s like the posterboy for relief pitchers.

It’s an error, but I just don’t think it’s very egregious. And while I don’t think anything is anybody’s fault here, why isn’t the narrative “Josh Hader isn’t going to forget this one for a long time”? A big arm with a 2 run lead, 2 outs and a man on 1st should bring that one to the 9th intact. Can’t do much about the

This description really undersells how bad Hader was. He still should’ve gotten out of it, if not for Zimmerman’s bloop falling in between everybody, but had no command and earned those runs.

In the NBA world, where you can’t move your pivot foot before driving.

Just put it under your arm and run with it. They quit calling traveling for real years ago ...

You know certain words you can’t pronounce until you hear them outloud (“epitome”)?

Considering the whole time this was happening there was an actual documentary crew following everyone around and filming as much as possible, that makes the comparison even more fitting.

I love that two and a half years after BotW’s release, stuff like this is still coming out. I can’t think of a game that encouraged playful experimentation— and supported it in a way that players were more than willing to continue *just trying some shit* for years after release— more than this one.

Once users got over the novelty of seeing themselves as Wolverine or Jon Snow, the implications of the technology powering the app set in... “

I’m confused, because you can buy 8K screens like right now.

After seeing that, I’m never cutting my hair again.

Or not. It’s hard to tell these days.

They boil down to “whoever has the loudest supporters will win.”

Lol nope missed that. ::reverse jerk off motion::

::jerk off motion::

I’m resting my hopes that Tim Miller knows what he's doing, like he did on Deadpool. At the very least, it's much more interesting footage than anything Genisys put up.

So much to love here.  The hat.  The “Stick To Sports” shirt.  The expression that makes it look like I should be playing “Everybody Hurts.”