
The screenshot is from Batman Returns, but this figure looks to be based on the costume from Batman, which had the extra little bits coming off the bat symbol’s tail. For whatever reason they were removed in Batman Returns.

It’s correct, that’s how the bat-emblem on the suit appeared in the 1989 film, with 2 extra “points” on the bottom. The movie still posted in this article is actually form 1992's Batman Returns, in which the suit had a more traditional bat-symbol.

Apart from the fact is not now, nor has he ever been, a billionaire and that far from being an “uber-successful businessman”, he was a second-tier developer and multiple times bankrupt failson.

Their real worry is that Google isn’t going to charge the same exorbitant price for these sub par audio systems.

There’s a difference between actual anxiety inducing things and calling plugging a few things into clearly indicated slots where for most will only fit in a single spot scary.

Right? I got my wife into building PCs by bringing home a trashed junker of a machine, and telling her “There’s better RAM in this PC than yours, you can have it, if you get it out and install it yourself”. She took it apart, transferred the RAM, and in realizing how easy it all really was, went online and bought a

I agree building one is incredibly easy compared to what it was year ago, the hardest part is just figuring out what you want. Everything else you can learn in a YouTube video and do yourself.

They even took out the reverse gear to save weight and get better fuel economy. They sold those extra gears to Ryan Gosling and he put them into his Mustang so he could out run the bad guy in reverse.

Your math is based on this being an actual, baby Yoda but that’s just the name everyone has given this adorable ball of Force & fur. It’s another of the same species as Yoda, and as that species has never been named, everyone uses “Baby Yoda” as shorthand because that flows so much better than “baby of the same

GASP, 6 years ago? I wonder why this would be news now. Oh wait..

Wow, I hadn't heard that about Donald and Donald Jr.

You mean, kind of like how he does in the very first fucking sentence of the second paragraph? Maybe read the article before being an obnoxious ass.

You should learn to read.

Well the music in Suicide squad was dismal, but I realize we are all in silent agreement that movie doesnt exist.

Most? Try every. Even Ra’s Al Ghul has to announce his plan in some way.

So we’re just gonna pretend that Paul Dano wasn’t in Swiss Army Man? WTF?!

Also together he and Hill always look like a pair of mis-proportioned testicles that learned to walk upright.

It’s one of his aliases in the comics.

Now you done confused the white people with your street lingo code talk.

Monique> I just want to point out the fact that if I was about to testify before the court about a cop shooting someone, I would definitely keep the drugs I traffic in my apartment situated next to the apartment of the aforementioned shooting because