
This was already the case before this story came out, Cousins ain’t playing again in this league.

“Fear the Deer!”

Starred but also BOOOOOOOO

Surprising to see him get the sack as an edge rusher; usually Peace comes from within.

When a troll and a dickhead fight, everybody loses. (See: McGregor v Mayweather)

This is a very valid point you fat, selfish, hypocrite. 

Like most people, they criticize in others what they secretly despise about themselves, you fat asshole. 

Deadspin reached out to Fenech to ask about the incident and left multiple messages with the Astros. We will update if we hear back.

Pictured: those defenders.


What the hell is the context of this painting? Why was the woman still wearing her fancy hat if she was going to get into a scrap? Why does the man look like he’s been fighting an ocelot or practicing emo pre-teen self help? What’s the money line and can I take the under?

Oh yeah Larry Bird of a huge marketable brand. All the kids nowadays are clamoring for the Larry Bird “grandpa sitting on the sideline” style.

“Rosin bag” is also Goose’s nickname for his scrotum. 

Goose Gossage would have loved to see this, but he was too busy masturbating into a rosin bag while staring at an old photo of George Brett.

Sports writers as a group generally suck. It takes so little to suck ass for access and even less stressed trot out all the usual sports tropes and cliches. Sports writers are right in line with Hollywood and celebrity reporters.

This is literally the most honest assessment of how crappy Plaschke is. He makes Simers looks like Jim Murray.

Simers got FP Santangelo fired from the Dodgers. Simers was a God

I’ll admit it: I liked Simers. Yes, he was grumpy and crusty, but he was good at it. Every so often he’d have a great column, such as the one when he and Jeff Kent finally had a confrontation and both came out the better for it.

No way. Him calling out Jim Mora for not trying against Stanford knowing they were going to ply again the next week was amazing.