Who knew that by today’s standards Popeye would be considered a poet.
Who knew that by today’s standards Popeye would be considered a poet.
Not sure if it’s considered competitive, but I knew someone that would level up accounts and sell them for real money. Dude would make a couple of hundred bucks a week doing that.
I only drink Modelo Especial and Tecate out of cans. Both are easy drinking on hot days. See below for very important information.
Not directed at you because it sounds like you think the same that this is some bullshit reasoning and I say the below as a practicing Catholic (I know I know...)
Yeah, that’s a bullshit reason indeed. Not all Christians are bad but self proclaimed “Good” Christians are the worst about 99% of the time.
I just don’t understand how some people think this affects their personal lives to point were they are rabid about it. Just let people live their lives, it doesn’t change my day day situation even a little bit, if someone feels they are trapped inside the wrong body.
The only thing that popped into my head was, “When did these assholes become experts on DNA?”
I agree! If you want a proper fitting hat go to a Hatter. Buying crap of the internet is no better than shopping off the rack,
When I was there my Elementary School mascot was The Braves now changed to the Grizzlies. Middle school was named after the Robert E Peary so the mascot was and still is the Huskies, and in High school we were the Mohicans changed to the Panthers right after our class graduated.
Damn, I wish I would have known about this when the sole fell of my old Jumpan Jeter 643's
You summamabitch....have a star.
Nope. Monday was playing center field for the Cubs when that happened.
You mean Ismael “The Rocket” Valdez?
Not saying you are wrong. Excessive force was definitely used. But I think I need to point out that the vests LEO’s wear are for stopping bullets and are worthless against knives.
Only if this album is super mellow and awesome to get high to because of the imagery it evokes.
If you click on the link to read the original article and watch the video he actually ended it with “Get off my lawn!”
It looks like they vertically stretched a 7 Series. G11
Why are you guys over thinking this...
Or you know, cut Military spending by half, that way we can still spend 2.5x more on our military than China does.