
What if Benito Cheeto-lini is just like the ads in Simpson’s Tree House of Horror IV?. If you just don’t look Lard Lad will probably keel over from impotent rage.  

Dude, I just told you. Pop up video.

As many others have said before me, the MSM needs grow a fucking pair and stop covering all of this shit. Fuck the briefings, fuck the rallies tape delay the fuck out of it and run it later using old VH1 Pop Up Video bubbles as fact checking tool.

Never said it did. Was just answering OP’s question.

The car accidentally cut off Bike before any of this happened.

Goddamn it... Why... Why did you have to to there. Now I have the Key & Peele “Big D” skit going on in my head in SAS’s voice at like 1000% volume.

Knowing that Stephen A is loud as fuck, I set my volume level to 25% before watching video. For the record 25% was still to much volume.

Good! I’m glad I didn’t miss it then.

You do. Except that you deposit the drop into a drop box at your register. Then at the end of the night the Store Manager assigned to closing duty comes by and dumps drop boxes into each cash registers till bag to count the take and make sure each register is balanced.

That’s because most Dim Sum places are cash only.

Is that reason the same reason that I know most Department Store cash room door codes is the street number of the store or the company store number?

Subtle. Have a star.

Ryan has been jacking off to the dream of dismantling the Social Safety Net since he was in college. Do you think he gives a shit about what people are saying? This is his one and only chance to not blow his load into a dirty tube sock.

Can’t be any worse than being a Soros troll. I still haven’t gotten my paycheck from all the marches.

Dude. They can’t even finish the 710. Can you imagine all the shit that would happen trying to cut a new freeway through low income areas while all the old South Pasadena lots that are already bought and paid for by Cal Trans just sit there? It would be a complete shit show.

If you want to connect to the 5 from Inglewood its going to require a whole new freeway. Gonna assume you meant the 105 to the South on Prairie.

You are correct. Google says is is Appx. 590m from Century to the noise wall on 102nd. That is deceptively deep lot.

There’s going to be CostCo cups, plates, and aluminum foil all over those parking lots

Century and Yukon is right across the street from the Hollywood Park site where the Rams are building the new stadium. Those 2 blocks that include the Motel, the storage units and a UPS Hub, aren’t even large enough to accommodate The Forum. So I’m pretty sure some of the people South of 102nd are going to get offers

Loretta Sanchez did the improbable (at the time) by beating out a Bob Dornan for the 46th District. Held it until last year, when she threw it all away to run against Kamala Harris. It was a dumb idea as Sen. Harris was way more qualified than she was, and the last few Senate Intelligence Committee hearings have