You might on to something about Ted Cruz, he’s already a Master of Disguise
You might on to something about Ted Cruz, he’s already a Master of Disguise
Fuck dude, what did you do with the car after you found out?
These “people” would not have had anything to say if this was done during Obama’s Administration in fact they would have applauded the mayor for not kowtowing to that Commie Fascist Muslin! So I say fuck em. Fuck em right in their chapped red assholes.
Who would have thought the party of “no safe spaces”, would be the one clamoring for space spaces every time someone offends their pearl clutching snow flake asses.
Simple. They all ready got theirs. Fuck everyone else.
This is a fucking AMAZING Tweet.
Proud to call Auntie Maxine my District Rep.
Pepe is a nickname for Jose,Giuseppe, Jusepe. In Latin, Saint Joseph’s name is always followed by the letters “P.P” for pater putativus (commonly accepted) father of Jesus Christ. In Spanish, the letter “P” is pronounced “peh” giving rise to the nickname Pepe for Jose
“I haven’t seen my dick in years, but it feels this big under my gut!”
You kids and your new lingo. I’m old enough to remember when a Murph/Murphy meant that your pants and underwear rode in to your butt crack while running / exercising. #GetOffMyLawn
Tell him I said he can eat a bag of big brown dicks.
Someone way more talented and knowledgeable than me needs to turn this into a gif Ala Stains the Dog
Not sure about any other Spanish speaking country in North or South America,but in Mexico a foal is called a Potrillo.
“Mike Pence Eats Dicks” would also have been an acceptable answer.
God I wish one of the stiffed Contractors would try to get in touch with a NATO Leader to serve his ass papers while on the dais.
Oh god, I just threw up in my mouth a little....
Can’t pass your local Mall’s security guard background check? But still feel the need to harass kids and minorities? No problem! Apply to be an ICE Agent
The only thing is those “Patriots” want the government to shoot them. It their minds it makes them martyrs. Look at what happened to jack ass who came out guns a blazing in Oregon, they tried to make him a martyr until the video of him coming out of the truck trying to fire on the Feds was released.