
While in Mexico after a bar crawl took down about 120 street tacos including but not limited suadero, chorizo, pastor, cabeza, lengua, and tripas and about 2 gallons of Agua de Jamaica between 2 of my cousins and my self, Total cost at the time about 40 dollars.

If he was POTUS during WWII we would be in a real live Man in the Highcastle situation. Trump would have rolled over for Hitler so fast that I can’t even make a snarky remark about it.

Damn! One more neck fat roll and it would have looked like a pack of hot dogs.

Nuh Uh! Cuz... Welfare Queens and andandandand Obama Phones andandand and Emails! Pizza Gate! Benghazi!  

If I was Native American, you would have to stop me from doing this to anyone acting like that lady.

Seth Hanlon’s thread on Twitter breaks it down pretty damn well for anyone looking for detail.

Nothing really important to add except that this is the only thing that popped into my head after seeing the top image.

No Richard Bey? Not even when he gets people to eat cat food for 40 bucks?

BUT with all that flair he’s ready to work at TGI Friday’s!

I love all the fake ass shit he pins to his Dress uniform. Not one is a ribbon or a medal. They are pretty much a commerative pin collection.

Pretty much the same. I have pictures of my 3 year old self dipping my finger into my Dad’s shot glass full of Tequila. Difference is I didn’t really drink until I was 21. AND I’ve only gotten black out drunk once in Puerto Vallarta, Long story short Finally got a Vacation approved from a shitty as job I was working

My Dad had the opposite approach. He always let me take a drink of whatever beer/cocktail/straight alcohol he was drinking so long as I asked. It knocked all the curiosity of drinking right out of me.

Slipped on baby oil while in his Gimp Suit because the sheep bucked to hard.

Totally agree. No reason for police to be called into calm down a special needs student, in a special needs class environment. If your special teachers can’t handle a special needs outburst from a 7 year old, then they need to find a new job.

Looks like it was a School District Police (most schools have 1 uniformed officer on staff mostly for security, it’s pretty standard procedure for large school districts so that they can respond to real emergencies faster than relying on local PD) this was not a real emergency and if Special Needs teachers can’t

Donde quedo el reloj marca Tiffany? Y Los trajes Italianos mandados a hacer? Con 60,000 pesos al mes? Dile al Peje que a Donald Trump no más se parece en lo mentiroso!

CARB is still ahead of current Federal Guidelines. Currently 11 states have adopted CARB guildlines. So enlighten me, what do they currently do?  

Jesus Christ how hard is it to understand that you build the more stringent standard. All cars built in the US right now meet CARB Regulations. Nothing would change.


Hey! Remember 4th graders can take bites of a sandwich to make it look weapon shaped! They are a secret menace!