
Red Skull.  I don’t think that Hugo Weaving is ever coming back, but he would be pretty topical.

ah beat me to it.

Came for a Portal reference, was not disappointed.

If it doesn’t say “There you are” when you find what you are looking for then someone made a mistake.

This is an insanely cool piece of tech. One question though, did they mean to make it look like a turret from Portal?

Reddit is 100% right on putting your TV at eye-level, and any installer will tell you so. This is the exact advice that experts give with the placement of a computer monitor, so that you don’t hurt your neck. A TV above the fireplace is certainly too high... unless you do all your TV watching while standing.

I used to install TVs and I cannot tell you how many of them wanted high up on the wall, over a fireplace. I’m 5'11 and the wall mounted sets would be at eye level.

Infinite is one of my favorite games ( I usually do mmos).

No amount of evidence will convince the stupid...that they’re stupid

I’d like to think that when the go back and take photos of the previous moon landing sites that it would somehow shut up all of the moon-landing-never-happened conspiracy nutjobs, but I’m probably underestimating those nutjobs’ dedication to their lunacy.

Can you imagine if Hillary had done this?

There are so many other things to do beyond what you list.

It’s not an investment. It’s gambling. Gambling is a form of entertainment.

When the jackpot gets big enough to be in the news, I buy tickets. For me, it’s worth a few bucks to have the chance to win, and to dream about what you’d do with the winnings.  Dreaming about $1000 isn’t worth a dollar to me.  I don’t dream

Hell yeah!

Ssssssshhhhh, keep it under your hat, let the dumbing down of the population continue, perhaps in time they will take all of themselves down. Idiocracy is real.

I always go to io9.com directly just so every time I come here, it adds to whatever analytics say “hey, they were redirected to gizmodo.com/io9 this specific way”. My little way of saying this should be a standalone site again.

Star Trek never really did that, though. Fans? Sure. But the shows and movies? Kirk and Picard didn’t really compete... Picard helped Kirk realize that he was living in a meaningless fantasy and then they cooperated. Picard and Sisko had a heated conversation because, you know, Picard as Locutus killed Ben’s wife and

Black sword, eh?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

I doubt it has to do with DeSantis. He is very popular in Florida. He is likely to be elected again in 2026 unless he is President by then. Disney probably knows all of that.