
As a long-time CoH player (my handle and pic here are from my first and main character there LOL), this is fantastic news. The Homecoming team has been amazing stewards of the game for a couple years, and I think this announcement really shows that. They’ve continued to add quality content, improved the base building

Exactly. We see Steve Martin, Paul Simon, and Elliot Gould in that initial Five Timers Club skit with Hanks, and they were all “in the club” before that skit was even written. :)

Thank for you the silly laugh! :)

I think Sam Kirk even appears in TOS or is at least mentioned, so he is safe too.

Not to mention he was ridiculously funny in The IT Crowd, even when surrounded by ridiculously funny people like Noel Fielding, Katherine Parkinson, and Richard Ayoade.

I hope we see some Control tie-ins, just like we had the Wake-focused AWE DLC for Control.

If you want your end result to be smoother and silkier, don’t immediately add your pasta back to the pot. Whisk the cheese powder, milk, and anything you’re adding in the hot pan by themselves until they’re smooth, then fold back in the pasta. No lumps, no un-melted powder. :)

Midjourney is a creative addiction. :)

Cleaning. Stainless steel will show every smudge, spill, and crumb in your kitchen. If you have children or pets, it will look like a crime scene with all those finger and paw prints. You’ll be cleaning constantly.

Absolutely true. The grass fields between Eugene and Salem on I-5 will turn your nose into a faucet and line your eyelids with sandpaper.

Xanadu is a beautiful, awful movie... and the title song is the ring tone on my phone when my wife calls. I guess that makes it clear where I stand. :)

No ELO and rollerskating Greek muses? :(

Now playing

A fun, easy option when you might benefit from using a rewards card: use whatever area code you’re currently in (0r hell, any area code), plus 867-5309. You can be pretty certain someone’s already entered this number. Works every time for me.

You must have been seriously stylin’ and profilin’ that night. Well done.

The downside here is the convenience: It’s harder to undo a freeze, which is why Equifax has been pushing locks. Unfreezing your accounts takes a few days, and there’s a pin to remember.

For the shorter movie-goers out there: those little kids booster seats they stack outside the theaters make great footrests. My wife is just 5' and most theater seats leave her feet dangling, which gets really uncomfortable during a 2+ hour-long movie. But just grab one of these things on the way in, flip it whichever

I tend to prefer the Necronomicon over the Bible for password assistance — all those apostrophes tend to throw off the hackers. Plus, if anyone decides to read it out loud, they end up with a very... very nasty surprise.

Empirical evidence for me shows this to be wrong. Was with one company for more than 10 years, with no real changes to our costs (and definitely no price reductions) and when we went to purchase a new car, the dealer told us that another top-tier company that they worked with might be able to give us a better deal. We

Yup. Those payments (both undergrad AND grad, for both of us) sucked up a lot of income that could’ve gone into the kitty. Glad they’re all finally gone now.