
Plant an apple tree literally ASAP. Or two, or three, or however many you can swing. Young trees are cheap, mature trees increase your property’s value, and the only difference is how much time has passed between planting and selling. So.... go plant. In fact do as much landscaping as you can as early as you can. You

1. extra shirt
2. deodorant
3. book or magazine
4. sleep mask
5. noise-canceling headphones


There was a school resource officer (IE, a cop), and two regular police officers shooting at the guy before he got in the school. Three “good guys with guns” couldn’t stop one “bad guy with a gun”.

You’d think a good guy with a gun would have finally shown up to save the day.
Who would have guessed that this is not how things work no matter how much the NRA tries to sell that.

Fuck you to all those people in positions where they could actually do something that would stop innocent kids from getting shot and

100% believable that these awful people would have a template ready, so they don’t have to type out the whole thing every time this happens...

I’m still fully remote unless I want to go in (which virtually no one does, save for a few people with kids or crappy apartments who just prefer the quiet of a nearly empty office building). My large company was theoretically working towards a similar three day schedule but with departmental discretion and without a

The thing is that we all sit scattered and do meetings on Zoom anyway, so why even be there?

I feel ya, it’s rough when you run the numbers. Assuming 50 work weeks to account for time off that’s 20 DAYS a year that are just lost to driving.

I am admittedly an anomaly but working from home is an utter nightmare for me. During the worst of the pandemic, I would go for weeks without talking to another person for any reason that wasn’t the daily standup and specific work related things. My productivity dropped so much it’s a miracle I wasn’t fired. If you

I was losing two hours of my day.

It’s also made more dangerous by our (lack of) gun laws. In most Western countries police officers don’t walk into every interaction assuming that the other party might be armed with a firearm. 

...and entirely on-brand for Tony Stark.

Not watching a video.

Anyone who is disruptive should be banned from all airplanes for life.

Maybe she just kept relapsing and never stopped playing it and washed out of Starfleet.

That’s the first name that popped in my mind after Wesley Crusher! Would love to see Michelle Forbes back Star Trek! Maybe a team-up with Kyra Nerys and we cna get an update on Bajor! Have a scene on DS9 and we get a Miles O’Brien cameo as well...

Sadly, the actress, Marta DuBois, died.

Hey, she had a recurring role on New Amsterdam!

Probably, but he was at the Riker wedding in Nemesis, so he clearly visits his mom and friends(family) from time to time.