
Not to push other products, but Hyper makes a wireless-charging AirPods case that basically surrounds your existing case with one that accepts wireless power. It’ll make the overall dimensions of your case larger (obviously), but it’s 25% of the cost of a new Apple case.

Can I just say, with the world in the state it’s currently in, that seeing a thread ending with two people being nice to each other actually made me smile today. Thanks for that. :)

Sorry, but the Shazam/Isis live-action show was a fantastic part of my Saturday mornings growing up, and no amount of snark can tarnish that.

Wow. So not bullshit. I have an Aussie friend who’s lived in the US for eight years. His accent is pretty much gone when he’s chatting with American friends, but as soon as we get together with other Australians or Brits, his accent comes back strong.

Is it just me, or does The Expanse sometimes give off a Mass Effect vibe? Ancient technology from a mysterious long-dead race that allows humanity to cross the galaxy and leap ahead (literally and metaphorically) in technological advancement. And the frightening mystery of what could have wiped out a race that

Always happen to see another FAQ from you, Rob. Your Green Lantern one of olde still makes me laugh out loud.

It’s a shame that people who are sensitive to these types of visuals may not be able to watch the movie, and the scene we’re talking about it in particular, because the scene is AMAZING.

Did I miss the giant penny in there somewhere?

I get a real Tali’Zorah vas Normandy vibe from this outfit.

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A fun, easy option when you might benefit from using a rewards card: use whatever area code you’re currently in (0r hell, any area code), plus 867-5309. You can be pretty certain someone’s already entered this number. Works every time for me.

I am intrigued by your proposal, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. :)

Man, I loved this on Saturday mornings. :)

Although this episode is definitely a steaming pile of gagh, I really dig the whole, “Warp 10 is infinite speed” concept that it introduced. Way better than the magic mushroom theory that Discovery pulled out of their rear end... and now somehow has to get rid of before the end of the series.

You must have been seriously stylin’ and profilin’ that night. Well done.

In order to irrevocably date myself... I can say I actually watched that “Legends of the Superheroes” TV show that the top Flash costume comes from. I can remember watching it on the little TV in my mom and dad’s bedroom. 12-year-old me was super excited.

I hope he was at least a good grandkid and gave his grandma back the money she initially gave him! ...I know, most grandparents probably wouldn’t take it, but it’d be a nice gesture, yes?

The downside here is the convenience: It’s harder to undo a freeze, which is why Equifax has been pushing locks. Unfreezing your accounts takes a few days, and there’s a pin to remember.

If they were looking to do a “magic/fantasy in modern times” vehicle, I wish they’d go back and look at Ronald Moore’s 17th Precinct. The pilot had legs, I thought.

And look how young Captain Janeway is! :)

Yes, yes, and YES. I tore through these books in high school (scoured used bookstores for them), and they were awesome. The old Fred Ward/Joel Grey movie is pretty much forgotten, so a great showrunner would have a ton of flexibility. Netflix series?