
As we move toward Gillian Anderson’s last few episodes, I can only hope that we ultimately discover that Dana Scully truly is immortal.

Maybe this should be re-worded:

X-Files News has images—presenting a rough time for Scully—from the season premiere, “My Struggle III.” More at the link.

I’ll go out on a limb here and say I still think Julian McMahon was a good casting choice for Doom. With the right script, and armor quality we see on Iron Man these days, I think he could really nail the part.

Pretty much, yup. Since Hulk’s strength is only limited by his rage, that means the more Ben pisses him off, the quicker he loses.

Meanwhile, Isaac Hempstead-Wright told Nerdist he supports the theory that Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven.

I’d say more just a parallel dimension to ours, where things are mirrored, but not exact due to the nature of the Upside Down, itself. The very structure and aether of the Upside Down seems to be toxic and destructive to anything not native to the dimension (i.e. the Demogorgon and the Mind Flayer). I don’t think a

For the shorter movie-goers out there: those little kids booster seats they stack outside the theaters make great footrests. My wife is just 5' and most theater seats leave her feet dangling, which gets really uncomfortable during a 2+ hour-long movie. But just grab one of these things on the way in, flip it whichever

Oh, poop. ;)

We saw his exhibit at LACMA last year around Halloween (!!), and it was unbelievable. So many amazing things collected from every era of horror Hollywood.

Wouldn’t it be a little odd to find other labs related to the Upside Down, since it was only through Eleven that the breach between our world and it was exposed? The MKUltra-type experiments that Hawkins was doing on/with Eleven were all related to clairvoyance/remote viewing, and the way I interpreted it, she was

That was my initial thought, too! That only Eight and Eleven were real, and Eight was surrounding herself with a band of loyal misfits that mirrored aspects of her own pain and experience.

Of course, the movie was The Blair Witch Project, but at the time no one knew what it would become. We didn’t know anything, really. So I sat down in the theater and for 90 minutes was uncomfortable, confused, transfixed and, at the end, terrified. The movie was scary throughout but the ending, where Michael is

I honestly thought the poster was some crazy Internet Photoshop potluck when I first saw it. That just gives graphic designers a bad name...

Could be something as simple as the vesting schedule in their contracts. They may be sitting on a boatload of options, but what they sold, may be all they had access to at the time.

Great post. Totally underrated show!

Millennium was indeed, awesome. Reminds me to go back and re-watch that underrated series. :)

Now playing

Still ST:Deep Space Nine (the re-orchestrated version, not the original Season 1 version) for me. When the bass and french horns come in as the B section swells, it still gives me goosebumps.

Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era by James Barrat is another great read along these lines. One great point that Barrat pushes on time and time again, is that although any ASI (artificial super intelligence) would be built by humans, assuming it would think like a human, or have

Why build one, when you can build two for twice the price?