
My expectation: During a battle, Viserion kills Rhaegal to show the stakes of having a dragon on the White Walker side. We’ve already seen how a dragon can tear through a human army, so while I’m sure that will happen, too, the impact isn’t as great IMO. Then, Drogon ultimately kills Viserion, possibly sacrificing

Awesome, but... “Lightning Lord”? When the Lord of Light is all about fire?

Well, I see your ‘80s Monster Squad movie, and raise you the Monster Squad Saturday morning TV show from the late ‘70s with Fred Grandy (Gopher from “Love Boat” and eventually U.S. congressman).

Professor Lupin as the big bad was definitely the weak part in an otherwise fun movie. He plays a great aristocrat... not so much an immortal god of war.

Jessica was awesome in Iron Fist. The best part of the show, IMO.

Back the in olden days when TV wasn’t actually on 24 hours a day, the scariest thing for me was the static that followed the National Anthem they used to play on TV stations when they signed off for the night.

OMG, another person scarred by the Muppets! For me, it was The Boy, The Girl, and the Jellybeans. Something about the announcer’s voice at the start and ending of the skit scared me so much, I’d run and hide behind the chair in the living room. And, of course, as I listen to it now, it’s not really scary at all. But

Also (maybe?) worth mentioning: there’s really no such thing as “a” Demogorgon in D&D. Demogorgon is the name of a singular demon prince, not the name of a species of creature.

Soooo.... Protheans (nee Javik) and Remnant, then? I’m all for that kind of hunt.

Regarding the CW/DC+Green Lantern thing... I’d just be happy to find out that John Diggle’s middle name is Stewart.

Plus, Emily Blunt is basically FemShep!

I have to agree. Growing up as a crazy Flash comic book fan, this just falls flat for me. Ezra Miller (who may be good in something, but I haven’t seen that something yet) seems simultaneously smarmy and clueless, and the costume is a total mess. The CW Flash is definitely cheesy, but at least it’s fun to watch.

Great interview, Luke. My wife and I have a special place in our hearts for Homestar Runner — it was great to read how the Chaps’ lives have been filled with crazy, in-family jokes and snark that they feel they’re the only ones who get, because Homestar Runner has become THAT for us. Our home and conversations are

I tend to prefer the Necronomicon over the Bible for password assistance — all those apostrophes tend to throw off the hackers. Plus, if anyone decides to read it out loud, they end up with a very... very nasty surprise.

But we can’t.

If you just pretend that Heroes ended after Season 1, I think it’s actually pretty good. After that... sigh, it only goes downhill.

Only spoiler I’m concerned about is how quickly they get rid of her again. Please. *crosses fingers*

Empirical evidence for me shows this to be wrong. Was with one company for more than 10 years, with no real changes to our costs (and definitely no price reductions) and when we went to purchase a new car, the dealer told us that another top-tier company that they worked with might be able to give us a better deal. We

I dunno... that kinda sounds like something that could happen in Columbia. Comstock is that much of a dick. ;)