
Fun movie. Definitely worth a watch.

Yeah, maybe Primer + Edge of Tomorrow - Tom Cruise?

Creepy black tentacles in the subway? Has someone been playing The Secret World?

Starkiller Base: definitely. If they sucked out the sun to fire it the first time, where were they getting the power to shoot it a second time? Did they drive the planet to another star system? Ugh. Not to mention I’m pretty sure I audibly groaned in the theatre when Poe had to fly down into a trench to destroy the

Patrick Stewart’s nose is a weeeensy bit too big, even for a cariacature, but awesome work, nonetheless.

Their first eponymous album is truly a work of genius, IMO.

I’m just waiting to find out John Diggle’s middle name is Stewart.

Which was the descendent of this.

I’m right there with you (see my avatar). I had a pre-Industrial Robot mastermind named Remington Rand. RIP CoH.

Awesome, for sure. But you’ll need to put out $500 to get the real experience you’re expecting (or, at least, what I was expecting): full motion-relative sound, color adjustment, etc. Bit too much for me, but I hope they succeed!

Perhaps a bit of a silly question, but: where the heck do you actually purchase this? No links provided in the article. Going to Warpo’s site... links to PREVIEWSworld, which doesn’t offer the option to actually buy.

Ditto, DS9 is the series I will consciously go back to watch again and again (versus flipping past TNG and stopping to watch). My confidence is low that any show based on the alternate universe Trek of the movies will bring the same quality long-arc drama we got from DS9.

Firstly, Wonder Woman’s classic Invisible Jet will appear in the movie at several points

Maybe it’s just the lighting, but at first glance, Clara looks like she has a bun in the oven. Or is it just me?

Yup. Those payments (both undergrad AND grad, for both of us) sucked up a lot of income that could’ve gone into the kitty. Glad they’re all finally gone now.

Couple others: Home Depot also has a 90-day return window, and can look up your purchase from your credit card number if you don’t have your receipt. Great way to rent an odd tool that you’ll only need once.

How could a day turn out anything other than awesome after watching that? :)

So I’ve managed to avoid seeing all of these, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. I’ve read on more than one occasion that the odd-numbered ones are the good ones to watch. So, if that’s true, can I watch the first, third, and this fifth one and get the gist of everything without having to see the others?

Really a shame that things went south between Eccleston and the WHO team. Seeing him next to Tennant, Smith, and John Hurt would have been amazing.

How did Laurel become the best part of this show?