
Homestarrunner.com. Strong Bad's email genius is sorely missed.

I'd give you an extra star if I could, just for the proper apostrophe usage. :)

The magic of ZORG Technology's Replay mode! Fun fact: my wife could watch this movie once a day, every day, for the rest of her life.

Ah, love this cheesy movie. And Gene Simmons with short hair is awesome. He should have played more movie villains (we're just going to ignore Never Too Young to Die, though, for all our sakes).

Hmmm, I see your Bit, and raise you one poorly-conceived knockoff. Cursor from Automan!

I just wish one of these companies — Apple, Adobe, grr I don't care — would make their photo collection apps truly support multiple users! My wife and I both take tons of pix, and I want Photos/Lightroom/SuperPhotoBlahApp on both of our Macs to talk to same central photo repository (on our NAS). There were some hack-y

For the love of all that's holy, anyone but Rainbow Brite.

I'd love to see a prequel-type show, where Eccleston and HRG are back together, hunting down those with abilities.

This is awesome in so many ways — just pledged to get the whole set and the coloring book!

If Admiral Hackett says it's good, I'm in!

I think this is right on the money. When you're interviewing for a job, you should be interviewing them as much as the reverse. Will they (the company, and the folks you'll be working with/for) be a good fit for *you*?

Oh, c'mon now. How could we leave out the Undertaker's brother?

It makes sense you'd run out of yarn, since you generally start at the top and work your way down.

Only a Husnock would anything bad to say about this dapper outfit!

Along with Jellico, it was also Troi passing the Bridge Officer exam in "Thine Own Self", which gave her the official rank of Lt. Commander (as opposed to "Disaster", where we learn she's outside the chain of command, but still carries the unofficial rank of Lt.Comm.).

This must have been his first business card out of college, before he got promoted to Super Genius.

Agreed, there's a bit of inherent snark in responding with just, "So?", IMO. Don't get me wrong — there are lots of people and situations that deserve that response, but I wouldn't expect a fruitful conversation to bloom from that seed.

I did not — but just did. Awesome, and congratulations! :)

King Hacksaw Jim Duggan approves of your RPG choices!

Gawd, those Judges Guild dungeons! Such steaming messes of insta-death and Monty Haul fun. We spent a ton of time with The Treasure Vaults of Lindoran and F'deck Fo's Tomb. Good times.