
I've always been a fan of Dell's monitors. I use a UltraSharp 27" and an UltraSharp 24" at work, attached to my MacBook Pro. Works like a dream.

What I'm saying is that all these "adventures", ultimately, have zero effect on my Shepard. They won't change the course of her fight against the Reapers, won't help her survive her final encounter, won't improve her chances to reunite with her team or the love of her life. None of these.

Okay, that made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. But aren't we talking about Timbaland Bandersnatch?

+1 for me, too. I know I end up dead (or, at best, gasping for breath back on Earth somehow), so what's the point?

I just got my Pogo Connect a couple weeks ago. There seems to be a slight delay as you start to draw and press, but that could be as much an issue with the app (Paper) as the stylus. Looking forward to more apps supporting these new stylii.

"Measure of a Man" is a great episode, but the premise has always irked me. Data was found and reactivated by Starfleet personnel, and, of his own accord, *willingly chose* to attend Starfleet Academy. If this somehow allows a Starfleet engineer to disassemble him just to see how he works, I suppose that means that

Agreed. :-)

Given that the Scarlet Witch's "witchcraft" is really the mutant ability to manipulate probability, I think the choice is a subtle, witty one.

Agreed. How could this "Honey Bun" contraption make the list, while Ding Dongs are left off?! I call bakery blasphemy.

No, Christmas is the other way. Given their current trajectory, it's Halloween they'll be swallowing up in their Black Friday fervor. "Your Home for Cheap Plastic Crap" never disappoints.

After feeling a little sloggy for the past couple of episodes (minus Etta's death), this one really felt like we're back on the right track. Two things I'd love to see that would really leave me smiling after the series ends:

All I need is a piece of Swiss cheese, some chalk... and a beard.

Actually, give Shatner three spots on the poster. The "Enemy Within" version is over there by Yeoman Rand (with the scratches on his cheek). And Mark Leonard makes the list as both Sarek and a Romulan!

For anyone who needs a refresher and has Netflix, all three seasons of ST:TOS are available, and they've been remastered into amazing HD quality. They've redone all the titles and all the space shots. You've never seen the old Enterprise look so incredible.

Awesome idea, but I reject the commandeering of the world "teleporter" — a word that's been used for years with a common definition — to mean something only tangentially related.

Sorry, "Spock's Brain" t-shirts available to morgs and imorgs, only.

Absolutely, that was my first thought as well.

I hope this episode isn't the last we see of whole-brain full-on arrogant mad scientist Walter. While I love the Twizzler-eating, childlike Walter, I was really looking forward to seeing more of the original Walter, pre-brain surgery. John Noble has done such amazing work when he's been asked to play multiple versions

To communicate with our dead relatives?

That Bluelounge desk is quite nice, but it needs to be combined with a height-adjustable desk like Geekdesk to be totally awesome.