El El

Well since we do make it to rivendell I expect to see a young aragorn too...

My only... ONLY problem with weed... is to make sure my future kid/s/clones/slaves know what it does to them if they decide to do it before 18. This being said, I would prefer they didn't touch it till 21 but I hope to be around enough to not have to worry that they are until then.

It's... TRUE... pretty much factual... hahah

The gif that keeps on giffing...

I had heard that bans were happening but then I also remembered that synth canna is in appetite medications... I had the proof but didn't make the connections.

usually I have great grammar but I posted this three shots deep so I'll hope you'll excuse the fuck up... damn grammar nazi... rest assured I don't make these mistakes when it counts but I just don't feel the need to pander to asshats... so THEIR nya nya nya nya

With some liberal usage... Secrecy begets Tyranny?

I'm with meerkatx on this one... I think that they will take some creative liberties with Gandalf and the other elves driving the witch king from mirkwood.

What is the taboo associated with empirically factual evidence for the use of or against "drugs"... I'd like to take the conspiratorial theories on capitalism and big-pharma being the primary factor against legalization for just marijuana and the like but are their any solid reasons forthwith?

I believe it's what it implies that is important...

He/whateverhereallyis barely fits into the books himself... Tolkien wanted mystery to remain post-mortem and Bombadil remains exactly that... IMO. I'd venture he is a concept of fantasy that is often let out in place of full disclosure and is often the driving force of many fantasies...

Ohhh I remember this fondly too... as I remember he mostly stays in the east... not much explored in the books...

Thundercunt... haha blithering... imagine that... I have an idea for a comic book now.

Once we receive that priceless info... ITS THE END OF GREECE...

God i would have paid so much more attention to my math teacher if they were all this involved...

Isn't Kinsella in Owls? or is that his brother? regardless this is true emo... I love it... the raw vocals reminds me of Cursive... Thursday...

Does Fox even bother with science?

Welcome to profitable business everyone... What they are doing is within their right and it will make them a bucket'o'money, not only because there are Gamers who buy consoles for a specific game (Halo... Guilty) but also the fact that Sony and MS would do the same if they could.

What I was thinking... being a liberal in the grand ole, million mother state of Utah was a complete waste of time...

You should warn about spoilers in your post... I was looking forward to watching this on Syfy (Scifi)