El El

Warhammer 40k... Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn

Came to comments to see exactly this... Thank you!

I hated this episode...

If they are smart they'd let this slide... It's free advertising that is guaranteed to get millions of users a chance to digitally wield their weapon. I didn't know what the ACR was until MW2 but I can certainly say it is my favorite CoD weapon.

I look forward to the Porter...

I am a Sub/Guest teacher currently for the one of the worst school districts in the Nation, Clark County, Las Vegas. The need for educators and funding is so ridiculous that I get 20+ calls a day if I haven't assigned myself a school for the week. I work full-time for the school district but I still am considered a

Awesome Totilo... I remember reading about this awhile ago and now I find a wonderful article from and about those that knew more about him than I did. I read the whole thing and lost track of time; a great piece.

These shots feel extremely intimate to me... like I should be making out or something.

Quick question as to some of the attire of these Awesomenauts... What wrist watch is he wearing whilst space walking? I want simply because I see.

Ya I always wondered why we were left hanging with the Thalmor and Talos debacle... I was hoping it would be wrapped up in a DLC too.

My feelings exactly... which is bullshit... I do not have high hopes for getting that same feeling of wanderlust that Skyrim gives me... I was at least hoping for one more DLC.

I still play it... I'll have spurts where I put it down and pick up another game but I always seem to come back to Skyrim. I am disappointed at not receiving another DLC personally cause I don't believe Elder Scrolls will live up to the wanderlust I enjoy in Skyrim.

+1 meat bags for you.

Is this the episode where data was ordered by Picard to wipe his own memory and everyone thinks he's gone mad? To save themselves from destruction from aliens.... Cause I liked that one too...

The brain or memories would still degenerate if I remember Correctly... And wasn't rejuve just a form of cloning and consciousness transference?

I'm on the Naked God book right now and I don't think there is that much cheese but It is a big epic... I loving the differing tangent storyarcs... his commonwealth saga is pretty good too...

Patricia are you a bf3 regular? What system?

Metro is a console map... its initial chaos would get old very quickly when you can't get up the stairs to b because everyon has an m320 lvg launcher and a supply guy with c4 or clays on every stair and in every corner... metro is fun on console only in my opinion.

700 hours in... and I have all dlc except aftermath... endgame will be bought but I still haven't reached 100 (87)... I really wish they didn't do the double exp. for those premi's...

blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne