El El

Oh man I'd love to see a game that captures the scale of a battle properly in a vidyagame. Millions of gaunts chargin a fixed Imperial fortress making a mountain of bodies with Marines scattered among IG on a wall. Soo many gaunts building a larg Bio-ramp of dead... think new the New bradpitzombie flic

How are they going to take back the downloaded maps I just DLed for free.... are they going to force me to pay to play on the 18th even if its on my harddrive... is there any legal issues there? I mean going into content that I've already Dled and deleting and/or changing information on MY hard drive? Is that legal?

Don't take me wrong on any account here because I really do see how ridiculous times are with women's rights currently... But keeping the women in the movie would have been a great step in setting up the Rebel's mentality.. one of desperation to the point that (what is historically a male only type of thing, War)

From what I know of Khan and what I don't of Gary Mitchell... I believe this will be a Gary Mitchell. The Star Trek "Wiki," Memory Alpha can provide a lot of context for his character and I'm convinced that this is who the Antagonist will be.

I don't have a problem with the unlocking system... BUT. Halo 4 has been ruined for me because of Ordinance drops.

I've always been a stickler about good writing when I see how I lost track of time... That small bit posted there had me lost for a moment... well done. I would love to read more about demons being bound to their masters by painters painting them into paintings. Love the picture... you get a sense of weight by the

Uncle Sam... please take those statistics seriously... I would love to smoke a joint... stop being so hypocritical.

for fucks sake give me a classic playlist with fixed weapon spawns and no infinity randomized drop bullshit...


This article's comment section... full'o'win

Ditto man... scared me to death and I still have a nostalgic fear of this movie...

I wouldn't call it a spaceship... more of a missle platform...

I am gonna have to add in Boromir's death scene in with some of the more badass moments in the trilogy... Completely goes from sniveling, weak-willed, wretch to complete and total bad ass when he dies. Also the Extended edition show shim defending Osgiliath. Great scene.

I get goosebumps everytime I hear the Horns of Rohan at the Siege of Minas Tirith... one of my favorite scenes... I loved the Rohirrim more than the Soldiers of Gondor...

I can't wait to see or hear Smaug and the Battle Five Armies... so excited to see an army of Dwarves and Elves...

Guy La Deoche... Had it for ten years now... got the Helmet from Xbox for it and everything... though my Gamercard only says 8... no idea what that is about.

I'm in that boat too...

Nuptial Nightmare.

I feel you bro...I feel the same after having taken a giant shit...

A friend and his wife told me this was good baby making music... I agree...