El El

ditto funny I had to think for a moment who he was but as soon as I remembered his voice jumped to the front...

Ditto, it has the most reasonable ideologies I have run across in my post youth. Strangely though I turned away once I picked up on some of the more hoakey beliefs.

So what are the conditions of a told fortune? if it wriggles off of your hand bad fortunes?

Sooooo Pitch Black is a possibility... Fuckin A...

My mini doxy Be be will leave food in her bowl... she only eats to sate. Which I am thankful for... not to mention that she loves to go on hikes with me and play catch 24/7/365. This seems inhumane to me as their spines cannot handle this, but he is a cute shit of a badger hound. I hope he loses the weight as all

I was never in to hip-hop as a youngin... Honestly it took weed... now I can't get enough of it... not rap... fuck that bubblegum shit on the radios... tribe, doom, dilla just to name very few... and bunch more that I feel unworthy of even naming...

haha reactions... awesome... moar science done by the crew please.

I had heard that certain U.S. Generals wanted to keep up the War in Europe by moving on to the Russians...

"what about bottle caps?" hahahahahahahaha

I would try and establish some sort of communication after my initial shock, if that close up... Math... Primes... patterns... 1 111 11111 1111111 11111111111

Now playing

Ditto... but don't watch this haha hilarious, fake but scary...

links in the article

haha Coulson... kinda morbid... still funny...

that shark made me laugh till i cried the first time I watched this...

I go outside around noonish here in Las Vegas (when the mail comes) and my 11lb Dachshund, Be Be, trots loyally behind me a pace or two, grab mail, walk back. It's become a routine... I always wail MAAIAiaiaiaiaILLL before we go and she knows what to do.

linkage fixage would be awesome... it looks amazing... I always wanted a better zero g ish type space fighter game... not like there is any atmosphere to go through... always kinda bugged as I wised up to the star wars space battles.

Sound... sOOo important for situational perspective... I got a little tense in this game... great find... I had to start saying FEAR IS THE MINDKILLER!...

Ahhh man that Imperial Fist is AWESOME!!!... for da empra!

Agreed. I would worry more about defining self-awareness...