El El

Steampunk Space Marine...

I like a few blogs :)

That close to a star would burn off all of the gas though; as far as what I've read... I'm by far no expert but I like to read what comes out on a regular basis so if you're privy to any educated details, I'm more than welcome...

I look forward to the day when I have to take my steak to the gym with me before I eat it... But seriously... I'm all for it.

I imagine the Big yellow one in close orbit is a Hot Jupiter? anything that close would have to be no? An extra-solar capture too I imagine... Gas giants cannot form that close to stars as I remember... I know this is just a diagram but I imagine the orbits are somewhat on scale...

not to mention the fact that angles play hell with deflections (lookup russian tank success against nazi germany tanks during WWII)... considering the lovely valley between breasts any sort of projectile/melee will be deflected directly towards the heart in most cliche feminine armor types in most games.

I would just like an original along with the false... simple as that. I realize a lot of it is just dust and blackness but having something to contrast against is always a plus.

As we explore more planets... couldn't we just call it Sediquakes... or something more general... I think the nomenclature would get tedious if we keep doing using that style of prefix....

Giggled. Stank... Giggled again.

Well circumcision failed miserably in preventing me from touching myself...

This will not be popular... I do not approve...

For the EMPRA!!!

For some wierd reason I play what those might have sounded like crashing in my head...

Seen the Deftones 6 times and once when Chino toured with Team Sleep with another favorite band of mine Idiot Pilot... I have his signature on a dollar bill...

This is exactly one of the points the book brings up... on numerous occasions... the idea is tossed around Scifi like a two dollar jiggolo. I understand your reasoning as far as where philosophy might enter into the equation but again you cannot explain the feeling of continuity that every person feels from one

Seriously... they keep adding shit... and I already have 500 hours... I'll have earned enough hours as a licensed commercial pilot playing BF3 by the time the last expansion comes out...

That is entirely up for debate... we replace every molecule in our body every so many years so essentially you are a "copy" already... I believe that consciousness exists regardless of physical state... a "soul," if you want to be an ass hat about it...

My sense of awe has always been attributed to feeling insignificant...

According to Star Trek they are on other planets...