El El

The thing about storytelling and having a "final solution," is that when it becomes a weapon, a singularly all powerful weapon, there will be collateral.

This looks amazingly immersive... I may go dig up the kinect to just play this... I love that level of detail... especially considering the the complicated nature of a war machine like that... reminds me of a WWII mashup

ya I paused as well...

Mitch Hedberg... one of the most unique deliveries and jokes I've heard... Wish he was still around...

Because if your watching it your having a nerdgasm... cleaning up the remains and then finally (like myself) just getting back to our keyboards...

seriously... stars that encompass all of the inner planets and then some... that is unfathomable... The human mind cannot even process the distance from the sun to here much less that enormity... Canis Major... why you so big...

I do like that better...


agreed... ending was emotional almost...

seriously... I have really enjoyed this... I can't believe I watched 18 minutes of hash making... never really tried it...

Would heading to the shallows be the equivalent of me always having to lean to the left to fart if sitting? I do it when I burp too however. I don't know if It's because I'm confusing my ass and mouth though or it facilitates the passing of gas.

Love Van Gogh's works... Starry night and Starry night over the Rhone hang to either side of my bed. It makes it easy to get away.

IMO, the World is moving to a global economy. Interdependence is a necessity for any group of peoples to thrive in a world where the order of the day is resource management. One fall we all fall... The infrastructure between any two "first world" nations is highly interwoven and a complete and total loss of

Rocket pods and strafing runs on tanks are my priority in a jet.... I don't like camping their runways but if they have helis I prefer to camp that... removing the Heli from a map removes their major air-to-ground capabilities...

I didn't notice till you pointed it out but that is, like... my favorite retro crush of the century... thank you for pointing that out...

Andrew I have enjoyed this regaular article very much but I have to know are you a regular smoker? I know a lot of writers/editors/bloggers on gawker do per say. Also what is the official stance on gawker employees? drug screens? I imagine not but you never know...

Agreed... Wonderful guy... would like to shake his hand if I met him. I would find it hard to find someone that didn't like him.

HAHA Cute Effect...

Soldier with a widow sniper rifle is better than any other class... Fire one, Adrenaline (instant reload and stronger second attack as well as stronger overalll), Fire two. Once you get to lvl 10 with a soldier you can be unstoppable with a widow sniper. I am positive I can kill a mech in less than 6 shots which

I love this anthro... moar plz.