El El

I have racked up over 250 hours of gametime on the 360 version. I am still working on unlocks and I'm a lvl 21 colonel no-lifer... but I'll be damned if you beat me out in a z11, littlebird, viper or havoc...

Well said...


I remember the first time I saw this picture... sore from laughing... memes like this are amazing... simple caption and a slightly inside joke with some dude with his hands in his pants... hilarity.

Good'Ole Roman Charity...

been interested in geology and space since i was a wee tot...

It's technically like that until you unlock the acquired gun set....

You arrive before light does... if there is nothing to perceive than you have arrived before the actual event has occured. So I would actually call it, traveling to the future... of NOTHINGNESS!!!

Where can I store my effin dragon bones and scales... heavy as shi... can i store them anywhere and come back to them later?

Its human nature to want to quantify and categorize. Though I do feel overwhelmed at times...

"Pluto is never going... I'm a bitch."

Love fallout... bored by oblivion... but I do love LotR... I'll give this a one month rental before Skyrim...

wait a tick... co op gives overall XP towards unlocks?

Dungeon Defenders and Undead Nightmare.... tide me over until BF3...

clipping my 9lb dog's nails is a two hairy drunk lumberjack job...

Oh my god, I'm in the same boat... Short hair weeny that can put up with only warm gear in winter... what a spoiled little pup...

fuck em dice... the only thing I want is some vehicle action... I love the beta so far so keep it coming...