El El

I unfortunately found myself rewatching for the very same reasons... though I found the womans giggling penis worthy haha

I love this... makes me feel so insignificant...

lulzz... haha

There is another aspect to the Tau that isn't mentioned very often either. Though they do appear to be socialist in design they are in fact controlled by a Caste system by a physical means. There are in fact "rebellious" factions of Tau that lack the "Ethereal Caste" to control them [wh40k.lexicanum.com] . SOOOooo

DEMO! how is it?

I love this gritty noir future art... blade runner to me is still visually stunning...

No love for Palmaris Longus?

he did Mugen in Samurai Champloo another amazing anime by Shinchiro Watanabe... same dude for Cowboy Bebop... Love the voice acting...

best fuckin cos hands down haha...

Second! Role Models is hilarious...

Philosoraptor always asking what needs to be asked...

Hair is not very diverse in the female department... Mods are your friend... I gave my femshep cyberbabe hair and illusive man eyes and never complained again

ya I was gonna say that someone should mod GSB with that... exactly the same...

ya I have a huge mountain in the middle of nowhere mind's eye thing going...

oh man I can't wait to see the location they pick for the Lonely Mountain...

had a hearty laugh... haha

The one thing I know for sure that weed makes better is sex...

I would kill myself as I screamed, " THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"