El El

I would kill myself as I screamed, " THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"

Now my charms are all o'erthrown,

great article... just had a bowl of spicy ramen with beef chunks thrown in for good measure... thank you Mr. Ando for your contributions...

Jedi Academy gave me the good dirty feel...

0:35 for an introspective into the life of politicians...

4, 5... 4, 5... 4, 5.... 4, 5.... 4, 5....

I look forward to seeing how this develops over the next few years...

really hope that doesn't have chlorinated water pumping out... in all likely hood no but just in case it had to be said...

oh god I know what to get now for my sister hahah I will create a catdog and make it rob banks as the dog shoots blades out of his cat ass end... or vice versa...

loved this video it goes right over my hometown by the great salt lake... I got all goosepimply seeing my old stomping grounds, lakes and rivers....



borg sphere?

color me jealous... haha so surprised to see the great salt lake... you just gave me a glimpse of my home town I could see where I grew up and the lakes and reservoirs near the salt lake I used to spend a good part of my time in...

If I were an alien I would not come to earth... we are a bunch of xenophobic conflict loving species...

I've always wanted to light a match in zero G...

DON'T THINK OF POLAR BEARS!!! What did you do? Think of a big ass white polar bear?

Fuck you gametrailers and your proprietary bullshit...