
Make sure, for your sanity, that you create some boundaries re: your job duties. If you are only there for childcare, just be firm about that. If you are cool with light cleaning, make sure that you discuss what light cleaning means to them. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a job where your duties seemed to expand

There’s a troll rolling around the comment section, posting purposefully obtuse ‘won’t someone think of the menz’ nonsense. Don’t feed him, his opinion/statements are uninformed garbage intended to bait. Shut him down so he can sulk back to Deadspin (his comment history demonstrates his manly man-ness and

It would be nice if this result were surprising, but it’s not. And as much as we’d like to think we’re making advancements (Fox News ousters, Weinstein finally being publicly revealed for the monster he is), juries illustrate that generally, women who are raped are not believed. What will it take?

Do they think people will look at their work and think ‘Nope, nothing funny going on there. No one in their right mind would actually make art that directly and unsubtly speaks to their own deeply troubling issues, so everything must be above board with them!’

I’m defending on October 27th. My presentation isn’t done yet (and I think we can both see what mechanisms I’m using to avoid doing it right now...)

That is completely horrific.

I had a case as a teenager that would not give up. I used Nix over and over, and they just remained.

I have to be honest, that would make me lose my shit.

Having lice, like having bedbugs, can cause one to react with terror every time they feel even a tiny twinge on their scalp.

If only their decisions were actually based on your sound logic...

Not shocked, just disgusted.

Money well spent.

Money well spent.

The Practice is also my jam. Good to know I’m not alone in that.

I’m in SoCal and the ash down here is getting to me (I’m assuming your in the bay area, LA is dealing with a serious fire as well). Thankfully, I got ac installed a couple months back, so I’m OK there. Sorry this week has been tough. It sucks when friends aren’t there for you when you need someone. The fire will be

I hesitate to say you should get CPS involved, but honestly, you may want to at least speak to a school counselor about him. He’s missed a ton of school, his parents have kicked him out, and he’s obviously having a tough time. You can at least let them know your concerns. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, feeling


Arrested. They are more likely to be arrested for rape. I don’t agree with either of you, but it is intellectually dishonest to claim that that those arrested for a crime are actually representative of those committing that crime, and you surely know that. Or you don’t believe in racism, which means my

I’m going to go ahead and self-identify as white so you know this is what I, as a white person, understand about the topic. My perspective on this isn’t as useful or informed as someone who has experienced growing up black or mixed in the US.

It’s pretty much always racism they mask as pride in their heritage (people in the north who are like this always have a family connection to the south, which of course justifies their interest).