
But...but...I got out!

My family is all in the Dayton/Cincinnati area, and when I come home to visit and land at CVG, I see those flags in KY and OH. And it makes me feel sick. Of course, when I head out into the rural desert areas of CA, I see them there too, and I’m reminded that idiots are absolutely everywhere.

HR people are quite susceptible to being mesmerized by adams apples/thick body hair.


Fair enough- I don’t know anything about their relationship at all, so I cannot even venture a guess on that.

Yeah, but sometimes the thing that needs fixing is actually one person’s serious issue (some women and men are serial cheaters because of their own internal crap). Nice people who are good partners get stuck with cheaters sometimes. Other times, the relationship falters because the connection peters out, or one stops

Dudes making movies rarely surprise when it comes to age-appropriate couples. Disappointingly.

It’s the cleanest option, I’ll give you that.

This strikes me as pretty normal for a 15 y.o.-ish girl. Don’t love the ‘have sex’ part. esp. without a ‘buy condoms’ bullet, but whatever. She’s a teenager and this list clearly represents someone who is between childhood and adulthood (‘not a girl, not yet a woman’, as Britney Spears once-disturbingly-put it). It’s

It’s not fun to admit, but the face tattoos just kill any hotness. I don’t want to be judgmental, but I have a negative visceral reaction to them.

It’s not so much that you can’t drive the maximum signed speed nonstop unimpeded...it’s that you spend so, so much more time with your foot on the brake than on the gas.


Is it weird that I’m just not interested in Josh Radnor’s deck? I mean, I’m sure it’s a fine deck. A nice deck even. It just seems like it’s probably kind of basic.

Believe me, I realize that. This was more of an issue of me having a hard time parsing a sentence than me thinking that smart means smart about everything.

This makes more sense. I couldn’t get unstuck from reading it the way I understood it initially, despite reading it over and over.

‘Aw, look, she knows words, how cute!’

“they are allowed to be whip-smart while apathetic (if not utterly ignorant) about racial issues.”

I guess I think religious beliefs of others deserve more respect than that. Love you god, worship as you see fit, but don’t think for a minute characterizing your motivations as ‘sharing your happiness’ makes what your doing good or positive. Your belief system isn’t the only one, and trying to convert people, even

Of course I do- that is exactly what it is! If you honestly only care about helping people, you help them. Period. You don’t use it as an opportunity to tell people about religion. Why do you need to tell people about religion while helping them? What is the motivation? You can dress it up as ‘saving’ them, as

I took a moment to educate myself about Nikki’s pastor, and her organization, which indeed does push Christianity on those they help (it’s not hard to find this information, it’s in her LinkedIn bio). Any help that comes with strings, be it as small as a prayer to a god that those who are being helped do not believe