
I don’t understand why this story needs to be continued. It was fine for what it was (controversies regarding glamorizing suicide aside), but not particularly good or even inventive. They should leave it at one season and move onto something new simply because there’s nothing else that needs to be said about this

That is totally disgusting. The openly lying, knowingly taking healthcare (which, I’m sorry, is absolutely a human right) away from those that need it the most while preserving it for yourself, hiding from the people who elected you...these are just awful people. Genuinely awful.

Beyond this individual’s unnecessary and most likely wholly preventable death, the real tragedy is that stories like this won’t make a difference. In the minds of these conservative lawmakers, this man made an active choice to live a life and choose a job that didn’t facilitate having health insurance. If regular

I can live without her, easy.


If I were in the first wife’s position, I’d be weirded out seeing him choose someone who looks so much like me. But yeah, there are many other more bizarre aspects of this situation...

Do you think it’s flattering for the wife that Peter chose another woman that is basically a blonde version of her, or creepy?

It’s a tricky setup to walk that line- where is it colorism vs. people preferring someone based on their personality, experiences (which are informed by their skin color), etc.

Yup. My recurring kidney stones are totally my fault (they’re a physical manifestation of my evil feminist ways, after all).

There’s a special place in my heart for Pierce Brosnan for that very reason. Hugh Jackman too.

That’s true. I think the hardest part is the crazy options people suddenly have when they’re famous. It’s hard to stay with your spouse when models/sex symbols/etc. make up your potential dating pool. Or cheating pool.

Honestly, the Jesse Williams things surprises me not at all. Anytime someone gets famous/is famous and married to a normal person (meaning someone who doesn’t work as an actor and hasn’t had cosmetic procedures that substantially alter the person’s appearance), I just assume that shit isn’t going to last. And despite

No worries- I’m sure the misogynistic trash-heap Chimera that is Fox news will sprout another equally abhorrent head to continue guiding the nation toward the apocalypse at the same steady clip we’ve been enjoying for the past few years or so.

Ugh, this just makes me feel ill. I wish I was wealthy enough to pay for abortions for anyone that needs one. No one should ever find themselves in Brittany’s position.

I used to have insurance that would pay for medical massage. At first I was pumped, then I actually experience it. And it. was. painful. The guy warned me that this wouldn’t be relaxing, and that turned out to be an understatement.

The anti LGBT thing pissed me off, especially when neither of them would come out an say either ‘we go to this church, but do not agree with that aspect of its teachings’ or ‘we go to this church and this is what we believe’. Either way, they should own their beliefs, though I have a feeling they keep quiet because

Would attend (I don’t get out much).

I was going to be say something about following that astronaut lady’s example, but there are probably zero Coachella-ish outfits that would facilitate wearing even the most paper-thin diapers depends has to offer.

My boyfriend shoots some of the web content for Coachella. Even he doesn’t want to be outside with a bunch of nattily dressed strangers. And he gets paid.

I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand- are you saying that captions are ‘othering’? Not being a jerk, genuinely want to know what you mean.