That belief is a very comforting one, but it's not true. This has the markings of domestic violence. Sadly, men who shoot up innocent people while getting at their target is a thing.
That belief is a very comforting one, but it's not true. This has the markings of domestic violence. Sadly, men who shoot up innocent people while getting at their target is a thing.
It has the markings of domestic violence - he killed his mom, who worked there, and his gf is missing. Men who shoot up innocent people while getting at their target is sadly a thing.
So that makes 2 profiles which don't include suicidally depressed people. Also, the killer was in his 20s, not his teens. Please stop with the armchair diagnoses.
You don't know that this guy was mentally ill. Since the guy killed his mother and his girlfriend is missing, it sounds like domestic violence, not a psycho who snapped.
That woman was a jerk, and it is now time to move on (if that's possible). Anonymustard brings up a good point, which is that salary negotiations by women are not as well received as salary negotiations by men. To say you were unprofessional is just insulting, though, b/c negotiations are part of the hiring process.…
Conventional wisdom is that counter offers don't work out well, and employees frequently leave anyway after getting one. In fact, there are articles all over LH about just that - try searching for "counter offer". That might not apply in your case, but your employer might be a conventional wisdom kind of guy/gal. …
You know what's even worse? Even if you do clean yourself, those parts still get way gross.
"If women want to have sex, they should be able to deal with the consequences."
Well, THAT was uncalled for.
Yep. Dolphins are very sexually aggressive, males and females. Males will hump you, and females will try to envelope body parts with their vaginas. You can pull out these fun facts next time someone is telling you how awesome dolphins are and how they totally save people from drowning.
He looks about 12 to me. Ok, 18. Is there someone who is over 35 who I can swim with?
Ugh, I envy you. I've about come to terms with the effect of aging on my dating life, but the effect on my professional life is causing me to resort to sticking chemicals and poisons in my face. The ironic thing is most people guess me a good 10 years younger than I am, but I am still completely neurotic about…
You are correct, more total drivers means more total accidents, even if the added pool of drivers has a lower *rate* of accidents than the existing pool. There will be fewer accidents per capita, but still more in absolute numbers.
You mean, you hate it when the facts show that men suck at driving? Seems like this is something entirely in the hands of men to change. Try driving less aggressively, maybe? Naw, that can't be it.
The mental gymnastics you just went through to avoid acknowledging that women are safer drivers than men is gold-medal worthy. Ima play your national anthem.
If Republicans are not against birth control, why are they so insistent regarding defunding PP? Is it the mammograms that they are opposed to?
Well, first of all, you can't diagnose mental illness without a psychological work up of the actual person. You haven't done that, so stop the armchair diagnoses.
I put money on this being a domestic violence incident. If what you say is accurate, I bet the parents are divorce, and the mom has custody.
You don't know that the shooter was mentally ill. You assume that only a mentally ill person could go on a shooting spree, but that is just a psychological defense mechanism to draw a boundary between you and him. Fact is, most mentally ill people never harm anyone, and shootings are committed both by the mentally…
The real problem is gun control. If those children had been armed, this would never have happened.