I guarantee your stomach is more acidic that the kombucha. You might get heartburn if you are prone to it, but the kombucha acidity won't affect anything south of the stomach. It might eat your tooth enamel, though.
I guarantee your stomach is more acidic that the kombucha. You might get heartburn if you are prone to it, but the kombucha acidity won't affect anything south of the stomach. It might eat your tooth enamel, though.
Bread has alcohol in it. At some point, one needs to accept that some foods have alcohol, and that doesn't mean you are trying to get drunk. Maybe for some people it has enough to cause a relapse. For others, it will be fine.
I got your wake and shake riiiight here.
I would win this game, but it would be gaming the system. My phone alarm gets me up to feed the cat, and I am out of bed in a heartbeat for that. Then I go back to sleep and wait for my clock radio to wake me at a reasonable hour. Heh.
Anytime money is so tight that you can't afford gifts, it is ok to say so. I buy gifts all year and save them for Christmas. I have been in really tight times, and I have always found some kind of gift - because I didn't buy them all at once, and because I had plenty of time to shop. This might not work for…
This is an awesome answer.
Why try other things first? Trying the vibrator before resorting to oral is just a legitimate as trying oral before resorting to the vibrator. Eliminate "shoulds" from your life. You will be a happier person.
Both. Everybody is responsible for their own sexual health, and everybody is responsible for having condoms/dams/whatever. In a long term relationship, there are additional question to ask, but the answer is still "both". You use it together, so it's not about whose responsibility, it's about something that works…
Rich gives good advice, and Tracie is funny. Slutever is neither.
Her school in Africa was a pretty nice idea, but ended up being pretty shitty in execution. It was all about "these girls need to be told they are pretty!" and I believe there was a scandal with the finances.
I would be ok with this lie for a one night stand, but not for a relationship. You just have to maintain it by telling other lies, and none of that will end well.
I think the lack of effort part is about using other means to get her off. Of course, this is Slutever, so twisting her words into something useful is a losing battle.
No issue for you ... how about for your wife? Hey, if you crazy kids are both happy, then more power to you. This isn't meant to be personal. As the person on the other end of an erection, I have found that men are completely delusional about the quality of their erections on the 2nd time around - and about their…
"As a man, I would be feel useless if a woman is using a vibrator while we're having sex. "
"Most people don't know good sex from bad"
I can't stand the marathon sessions, either, but 2-pumps gets you kicked out of my bed. I'm one of those unicorn women who really and pretty solely enjoys intercourse, so I expect several minutes of it.
You are also 10x softer on the second go around.
Frickin' everyone says that, and I hate it. People here say it. It's like calling someone who got the flu "dirty".
Yeah, it's generally a bad idea to announce that you jerked off right before the date. TMI is a lady-boner killer. If you were hoping to get some later, you just killed that chance.