
Seems to vary between women. Some women have as many problems with the pump as other women have with breastfeeding.

"what works for her is determined by a lot more than "I was/was not able to breastfeed". "

Stay sober. But I am no fun.

Wow, even with my sorry metabolism, 1 T of booze is not going to take the edge off anything. I wouldn't even notice the effects, although I am sure the taste is delicious.

Worst use of correlation doesn't equal causation ever. The correlation was between lying and leaving a large tip. No one proposed that lying caused the large tip, only that it correlated. Your suggestion of people worrying about being rude is no better than cognitive dissonance, in fact, it is worse, b/c there is

I hate thinking this way, but in the case of acknowledging information, that "Thank you" can also be a CYA.

With women at 50% of the population, there is a good chance that the "someone" is a "her".

This is a complete derail.

"Your thesis only holds up if you selectively pick which killers to highlight."

Most of their victims are other black guys, and victims and perps are both usually low income.

She talked about Hasan. It's right there in the article, below the headline.

"So after that I would make a check-list of questions I had to ask him everyday, to make sure HE felt ok about the relationship, and that I was being a good person in his eyes. "

These people exhaust me. I don't care what developmental disability someone is about to bring up to excuse never shutting up during a conversation. When I meet someone who does not let me get a word in edgewise, I make a mental note never to talk with that person again.

How do I get some tax funded abortion pills? I want to be part of the abortion gravy train.

I agree. Those nice boys ruined their own lives when they chose to rape someone. I see no reason at all to extend rape shield laws to alleged rapists. Trashing a victim's actions during prior events not related to the rape is in no way, shape, or form the same as revealing the perpetrator's actions during the rape

Provocative comments mean one is sexually active?

You know what's too easy? Sticking your nose into other people's decisions.

Asperger's is not associated with violence, so, no, that would not be a storm brewing.

"(though I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist)"

"I've always thought that by definition, someone who commits mass murder (putting aside for the moment those who do so during war) does not have his/her brain chemistry in balance,"