
"If we deem them as doomsday preppers, it becomes a little easier to separate their reality from our own, to make us feel that we know what the danger signs are and to help to help comfort ourselves into thinking that knowing all this could protect our children and ourselves from a similarly horrible event in the

Oh, it's a disability, alright. It's enough of a disability that you can get disability benefits for it.

Magic Powder, formulated for African American men's faces.

Anne Hathaway came up with her own awesome response to pictures of her. Neither Paris Hilton nor Britney Spears came back with the response that Anne Hathaway did.

Do you use waterproof mascara? If you do, you need something oil based to remove it. Plain old oil, like the coconut oil that many people have recommended will work, as will vaseline. Lotion usually works, too, even though it is not always oil-based. If you don't use waterproof mascara, it should come off when you

My guilty pleasure - reading Craigslist personal ads. They are comedy gold, seriously. Last night, I was out, and I am sure I saw a guy who regularly posts. Blew my mind.

I still use a 10 yr old CRT. I only replace things when they die, this baby is going strong.

Blue is Hanukkah, oddly enough. I don't know how long this association has been around, but it's real

I'm with you on the no-bare-ass-on-the-benches, but I don't think nudity is damaging to kids. Naturist resorts are family friendly, and everybody talks to everybody naked. Maybe there is more to the story that you didn't include, but I don't think somebody is an exhibitionist asshat just because he chats with a kid

There's an exception for festivals and such.

I agree if there have been two or three dates or if you slept together, but not after one date. Especially if it's someone you met on the internet so that your first date is the first meeting, too. I just don't think there is enough investment at that point to make it worth rejecting someone. Most of the time, they

I've joined meetup groups, and I've met some really nice people and had a great time at events. I regard it as a live for moment kind of thing - I'm going to go to this event and have a good time at this event, and if I meet some people I want to be friends with, cool, but if not, I will still enjoy the event. I did

Well, this is easy - her mother is lying. She doesn't want to meet you, and she will never approve of you no matter what you do. It's not your job to make her approve of you. It's your job to be understanding that your gf's mom is a dick and to support her and keep the relationship alive for yourself and for her.

"crappy health insurance so I don't use it."

De-tox as a concept is a fraud. Your liver handles removing toxins from your system just fine.

Oh, and by the way, your parents are acting like asshats regarding this guy. You won't be able to convince them that he is doing anything wrong, so focus on holding your boundaries about what you need and what you deserve when he comes up around them.

Even if your husband has Asperger's or any other personality disorder or illness, that does not excuse the way he treats you. My advice is to get the hell out now, but I understand if you don't want to do this. The second best choice is to go to a counselor and to find a battered women's group. Since you've been to

Thanks for the response and the headline change.

Aw, sorry about okc girl. All my okc dates have been like that - nice night, no follow up.

Well, there is this