
Actually, the garter belt over/under panties is a debate almost as hot the toilet paper end on top or underneath. I think it's a question of preference, not of lingerie fail.

I think that was the zipper to her dress, b/c it looks bunched up around her hips a little later on.

Welcome to TV Land.

If they had showed that, sure. What they showed was him rolling over and slapping his forehead.

Of course the woman keeps smiling after a lousy sexual encounter. Can't hurt the dude's fee-fee after all.

"most likely precipitated the suicide of Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse who fielded the call."

Jokes can be both funny and reprehensible.

"It pisses me off when people delete my posts so I kept doing it,"

"It just means that you get to do whatever you want with them"

This is why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich. Yes, even without insurance, the cost of regular medical care is much lower than the cost of treating a problem that has escalated. However, poor people frequently don't have the money to float the cost of the doctor visits. They don't have the option to

Pouty lips are a recent development. You are right, though, it can mean many things depending on what the rest of the face is doing.

Sounds like overgrooming, which could be due to an irritant like mites or a flea bite, or it could be due to ringworm. If the latter, you will start to see a reddish crust. Or it could be stress grooming.

The tampon itself should be far enough up there that nothing is sticking out. For the string, I just stuff it up inside, too. I find it more comfortable even when I am not peeing.

I don't like receiving presents b/c I am not a "stuff" person, and I prefer to pick stuff out myself when I decide that I do need something. Since you know people will get you something, why not start asking for donations to your favorite charity? And you can give the same. However, when they say "You really don't

Here's something interesting from Kotaku:

It's hard to have a rational conversation about drugs in this country. We are too invested in the War on Drugs to talk about what's not working.

I don't have acne, just isolated pimples, but I like salicylic acid gel as a spot treatment. Warning though - it is super irritating to the skin. For ordinary pimples, using it one night is enough to shrink it or even make it go away. If I use it more than two nights in a row, the skin will be dry and flaky and

You barely know the guy, and you think being uncomfortable in his presence 24/7 (well, 24/4) , means you will be forever alone? Most, not all but most, people spend months dating before they are ready for a weekend together. Few people want to spend several days in the non-stop company of everybody they know. I

I'm repeating this higher in the thread since so many people seem so hopeful about chlorophyll -

No, it doesn't, although the extra water might be helping. Chlorophyll might have in vitro bacterial fighting properties, but you know, so does soy sauce. In vivo is a whole different ball game. Sorry.