
Helps what? You having trouble photosynthesizing?

"We can't jump from the rooftop shouting, ‘I have this, look at me, victim.'"

I'm glad your date was nice, and I hope you get another one with this girl.

No causative link has been made to the cysts yet. So maybe they can do something, but the question is, does that help the disorder? Don't know yet.

It sounds like they don't entirely know.

It doesn't originate from the clitoris, but it sounds like it is felt in the clitoris. If it were me suffering, I might want to explore this option. It's so permanent, but then again, so is death.

(One of Molannen's doctors once joked," I wish my wife had it.")

There's a stigma specific to prostitution that is not there for cheating. Getting some on the side that you don't have to pay for carries social capital, while paying for sex makes one a sad, pathetic loser. Cheating is about so many things, and not always about desire for sex.

Let's get real, that headline should read:

"One potential reason could be that males of most animals, including humans, tend to be less discriminating of their partners because they have less to lose if that partner is unfaithful."

Middle aged, white dudes in white collar attire? Possible correlation with position of power? You may be onto something.

Are you the cosplay police?

I found that movie to be incredibly hot. Yes, there is a lot more going on than McGregor going nude (there's also like 15 other guys who take it all off), but the story itself was pretty compelling to me, too.

"Ewan McGregor says he has 'no plans' to stop showing everybody his penis."

You too? I thought I was the only one!

Animals are much easier to love b/c they don't write insensitive and judgemental comments about other people's misfortunes.

Hey, thanks for telling us all about how LiLo fits into your personal sexual fantasies! Are there other female celebrities who do give you wood? We want to know!

I wish I understood the social capital that draws young, attractive models to Terry Richardson. I think he is very talented, and a total creep. I suppose the former outweighs the latter for some people? Is he very charismatic in person? Is being photographed by him a good career move? There must be something.

I don't think chamomille is one of the ones that does that, but ask your doc if there are teas you should avoid. If you just don't want to chance it, then don't chance it. Tea is not a big deal (although it is delicious, like wine).

"Something about the chemicals that do...something...or not... "