
The difference between her position and his is that historically, women actually did become their husband's property when they married, and that is why they changed their names, whereas no man has ever had his genitals removed after taking his wife's name.

PS, it blows my mind when I see women in their 30's changing their name. It would blow my mind less if some of them didn't, but I think all of the women I knew changed their name. What year is it again?

You could hyphenate the kids' last names - YourLastName-HisFirstLastName or something like that. Or merge your last names for the kids, take a syllable from each. Or agree that the first kid gets his name, the next one gets your name ...

I think women don't propose b/c 1) they don't really know how to - there is no cultural script the way there is for men, and there is no cultural expectation, and that sets up a big barrier, but more importantly 2) women get called needy and clingy when we express any desire to solidify a relationship.

"Also, women have GOT to get better in displaying their wants and desires. "

I love taking pictures of people taking pictures! What?

He could have taken over half or more of the caregiving duties while she pursued her career, and then he could have been seen as the primary caregiver. Or he could have petitioned for custody, which he is almost guaranteed to get once he asks for it. Seems like Hypothetical Man made his bed here.

"We're four times as likely to commit suicide in the US."

Actually, when men petition for custody, they almost always get it. Women get custody b/c men do not ask for it.

You can decide to listen to the experiences of, say, Latinas, and believe what they have to say. That particular change can come quite quickly, though maybe not easily.


Or you could just donate directly to the charity, and then they get 100% of your donation, no overhead to shuttertothink.

"And I don't mean that those problems are bullshit—all injustices deserve attention and care—but we're trying to cure cancer over here. You have a stuffy nose."

Welcome to feminism. There's room for us all here.

Um, yes you. Yep. You.

I think he was totally crazy. First, that link isn't exactly a reference. Like I said, I think it just shows that a lot of people believe that. Second, Kalahari Bushmen do not have permanent erections. I mean, I am not an anthropologist, but come on here. How would that even be possible? And given European

Well, I am not at work. :)

Somebody is a little too invested in their fan identity.

I meant House of Lords, not House of Royals. Yeah. Same principle.

btw, I'm a moron, it's the House of Lords, not the House of Royals. Heh.