
Wooooow. Really? Wow.

Tell that to my boss. :)

"am i allowed to declare myself a duchess of something and put it in my email signature?"

Xanax works for me.

This, this, this. I'm one of those people who writes a review b/c I have to and files it away, to be ignored until the next review. I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at the past year's review and said "Oh fuck, I said I would do what? Ok, how do I bullshit my way into claiming I did that."

Those rules are open to interpretation by those who enforce them. How sheer is too sheer? Is there a measure of light transmission that tights have to pass? Is the test administered to tights right out of the package, or to stretched tights, as they would be on a girl's leg? If the former, what level of tensile

Yes, all cultures, like, eg, the one you live in, if you would care to take a look at it. All cultures have some women who are deemed "unrapable" b/c they are assumed to have consented to sex. Prostitutes, for instance, women who dress a certain way, women who are married (with respect to their husbands), the list

1) It doesn't say how old the boy was. He may have been under 18 or just 18. It can still be statutory rape when the accused is also under 18.

Closed communities never seem to work out well for women, whether they are Hassidic, FLDS, or BDSM.

What the ever-loving fuck. Gah.

Hate to break it to you sweetie, but you need to get consent when she has taken her pants off for sexual purposes, too. Taking off pants != consenting to sex.

(b) have received consent from you already and don't need to be told to do so.

Stop the presses! A male dominated industry has produced a naked-chick calendar. Now that's newsworthy.

There is also a characteristic time scale for how long people wait for the door to close before hitting the "close" button. In most elevators, the door closing time is well calibrated so that the door closes just as someone is reaching for that button.

I want to laugh at all the other people for being so ignorant they never heard the term cock fight, but as a city girl, I honestly can't remember when I learned it. I knew cock meant rooster in high school, I am sure I would have figured out that cock fight meant rooster fight and not dick fight. I don't see why

You are not wrong. Guy was a dick.

You can go ahead and tell that women have been dying of pregnancy related complications and in childbirth for millions of years, too.

If you go to the website, you will find that someone has already put a lot of effort into explaining exactly what you are looking for. Or, you could keep sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I REFUSE TO HEAR WHAT YOU ARE SAYING UNLESS YOU USE THE MAGIC WORDS IN MY MIND THAT I AM NOT

Preach, sister.

As sad as it is that purple has joined pink in the "girl's only" section, there is this teal model: