Holla to those ladies getting their freak on with two different guys in the same day. :)
Holla to those ladies getting their freak on with two different guys in the same day. :)
So? B/c Tyra Banks has her head up her ass about real women, the rest of us should shut up? All women's bodies are real bodies. The word "real" to describe any particular shape of woman just needs to be retired.
I was really expecting the anti-rape panties to be like the anti-rape condoms which damage a rapist's dick when he sticks it in. I'm disappointed that "anti-rape" just means pithy sayings. I'm also disappointed that they are not real, although I would never have expected VS to make dick-mutilating panties, anyhow.
Maybe not, but a lot of men, and not just nutjobs and their sycophants, see lingerie as consent to sex, and when you assume that clothing=consent, as opposed to say, consent=consent, that's when men become rapists. Lingerie cannot consent. Only people can consent.
"Gain My Yes or Lose Your Dick"
All those imaginarily beautiful women really get me down.
I hate all their imaginary models.
So all the people out there who are genuinely confused and not just misogynistic trolls:
Asperger's is not gone. It's right there under Autism Spectrum Disorder.
I love this.
"Being nice and friendly ought to get you a date sometimes though, right?"
By the time your kid is able to vocalize, she will be brainwashed and it will not occur to her that she might want a toy truck.
It was youth. You had a refractory period, it was just really short. Now you are older, and the refractory period is longer.
Cut out the porn, you are desensitized to real women having normal sex.
Talk to her about lube. It is AMAZING what lube can do for penetrative sex. First time sex won't necessarily hurt her, but for many women it is painful, as is too much sex too often. Take her concerns seriously, and bring up lube. Put your money where you mouth is, ah, as it were, and actually buy some to keep at…
My tips is shift to non-goal oriented intercourse where you focus on having an enjoyable experience for both of you whether that includes orgasm or not, and make sure she gets hers either before or after or both.
Dear god, what about the menz? Will nobody think of the menz' concerns? Actually, Jezebel carries many stories about menz. Perhaps Hugo Schwyzer's writings would interest you. Or there is a lovely article by Ms. Erin Gloria Ryan further down which is all about menz.
I'm really confused about why the drug manufacturer is being held accountable and not, say, the guy's doctor. Was the 17% incidence of side effects known in 2003? Seems like good medical care involves monitoring someone on a drug like this, and stopping it if this side effect manifests.
I think you should have mentioned that superfecundation is specifically when two ova are released and fertilized in the same cycle. There are also occurrences of women who have a second embryo b/c they ovulated while pregnant.
If your argument is that this happens naturally, you are not right. In the case of ALL twins which happen naturally, the egg or eggs are from the same mother, so the twins are, in fact, blood relations regardless of who the father or fathers are. In the case of IVF, yes, they could implant multiple embryos which…