Oh god, some child (ok, he was like 30, but I was 40) told me he had greater respect for me when he learned I drove a stick. I barely bit back a "honey, I have driven a stick for longer than you have driven."
Oh god, some child (ok, he was like 30, but I was 40) told me he had greater respect for me when he learned I drove a stick. I barely bit back a "honey, I have driven a stick for longer than you have driven."
While they do have a program for women, their emphasis is on girls. Teaching them manual skills in their youth plants the idea and opens the door to licensed contracting and construction when they are adults.
Not the same at all. There is no Democratic canon which states that drone strikes are part of the Democratic belief system.
So during the first date you were all, "I'm not looking for anything serious." and he was all "Gotta do the listening face. Listening ... Listening ... Damn, I do good listening face. Too good, she's still talking. Listening ... Listening ... I wonder if she'll put out tonight?"
"I didn't drop it, I shoved it up your ass." Dicks.
First, we don't actually know that incidence of depression is tied to a certain type of society. Second, some suicides by men are murder-suicides involving female partners or ex-partners and their children (as with the KC chiefs player), and in that case, the question is "why is intimate partner violence so common?"
You have no actual idea how much she paid for those pills, or whether they are really birth control pills or some other kind of pill that has the right shape. Some generic birth control pills cost very little.
Vulva tiara. Vul-va.
"If women have to work, they can't churn out babies on the regular."
Part of being a grown ass adult is learning that you have to continue to work and get along with people even when they did something which harmed your friend - especially when the context has nothing to do with said person's actions. Hopefully Wang is up for this challenge.
Breslawec's red herring argument is about as dumb as a mildly malfunctioning nuclear power plant responding to people's concerns with a "Look, if you really cared about nuclear safety, you would be looking at Chernobyl right now,"
Sugar isn't really food, anyway. Desserts are fun stuff, they don't convey nutrition. I'm not concerned with sugar free or reduced sugar desserts, and many of her desserts do contain sugar. Someone who is eating fruit snacks and veggie based dinners is getting plenty of sugars and won't miss them in their dessert. …
I don't know what you mean by "very few of her recipes contain real "food". I saw recipes with vegetables and shrimp and banana-graham cracker crusts and yoghurt and fruit. I'm actually impressed with just how many vegetables she includes in her recipes. She also makes good salads, remembering to include protein in…
They should know that underpants are private clothing that you don't show in public by 5. If they've been taught that, which I hope they have, then hanging it on the tree is really contradicting that. It just says "your life is completely under our control and we are arbitrary taskmasters." Childhood sucks.
You, miss, are no Joan Jett.
You realize that is piss poor advice and things will not happen that way, right? Just checking.
And how old are these kids? B/c once they develop a sense of privacy, it is not ok to publicly display their underpants. Massive boundary violation there.
Black face and whip? Are you in the Netherlands?
I don't think that is always true. I know someone who had brain surgery who had general anesthesia.