"Actually, her solution to this is to have me move in with them, so that he won't act out. "
"Actually, her solution to this is to have me move in with them, so that he won't act out. "
Tell her you are sorry he is acting like such an ass, and you are there whenever she needs to talk or spend the night. Telling someone to leave is rarely effective. Call a domestic violence hotline for better advice.
You write a really polite letter to your boss saying you are pursuing other opportunities and your last day will be xx/xx/xxxx which is in two weeks. You have enjoyed the time you spent at Soul Sucking Company and are honored to have had the opportunity to work with so many fine people. You wish SSC and all your…
You should ask your gyno if it is always associated with HPV or if it ever appears in the absence of HPV. If you have never had an HPV test, your ex may not be a carrier. It could have been the guy before him (unless he was your first). I think you should tell him as long as you are on good terms with him. He…
Helps to have a Hollywood stylist and make-up artist. I'd be rolling in booty if I could be done up that way.
"Be yourself" is excellent advice for average, nice guys. It's the misogynistic internet dudes who lose with that strategy.
I think you are confused about the definition of mental illness.
Classy, Dave.
I've never been mudding, but I have driven around on the mountains on a road in a truck, and it was fun. I think mudding would be fun, but I have an uncomfortable feeling about it b/c I don't think it's good for the top soil.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha. That's awful. Funny, but awful.
"Why does a black bra have to mean something sexual? "
I think you meant psychics deserve a punch, but what you said is pretty damn funny.
Exactly my thoughts.
I bet you could have questioned its legitimacy without mentioning your own race or the race of the other immigrants in your area. I bet you could also have questioned it without making comments about the other immigrants' relatives.
Oh, you have beauty pageants. Where do you think the beauty queens in the Miss Universe or whatever they call it come from? They are all winners in their respective home countries. You may not be familiar with your regional beauty pageants since you don't have the benefit of reality tv (that's a joke), but they are…
I think the ass licking is the stimulate the need to evacuate. Anyway, that's why momma kitties do it, I'm just assuming that's why momma dogs do it, too.
Needs more nutsack. Then we'll be getting close to gender equivalent portrayls.
From the NPR article, this just makes me sad:
Your comment is not internally consistent. How are they exploiting the system if they never move to the US for any reason? Sounds to me like if they never use their US citizenship, that is the opposite of exploiting the system.
Jordanians do this a lot, too. It's not about anchor babies, it's about your kid one day being able to go to school in the US or get a job in the US. If I could get dual citizenship somewhere good for my imaginary babies, I would totally do it.