
No, actually, I've got my own set of curves that I love. I don't need to be envious of anyone else's body.

Tell us more about your boners. We're fascinated.

Wow, that is incredibly condescending. How do you know how much everybody owns or consumes or what their motivations are? Rock on with your bad self if you have the time to wash that one pair of pants everyday after wearing them. Most of us don't, and we need enough pairs to get us through a week (or more) of

Actually, I'm pretty sure feminism is about destroying the institutional structures which lead to the systematic exclusion and marginalization of women.

The Emily Anderson article is really great. She succeeds at disregarding what anyone else thinks to put the focus on claiming her own experience.

How about that. I frequently leave a clock radio playing NPR (so talk, not music) on in the other room while I work at home. It makes just enough noise that I don't feel like the last human on earth, but not enough noise to be distracting. I wonder if I have been inadvertently exploiting this effect.

Right, b/c men's tastes are not up for critique. Only women's.

"All laying around naked all day with the heat turned up"

"I think any girl that works in fashion is in some capacity a feminist. Number one, because you're working"

Didn't know I was fighting it? I'm a General in that war, baby! Woman soldiers, don't forget the skirmish at 2 o'clock. Onwards!

It is required viewing, just keep in mind that the target audience is teenage girls and David Bowie fans. It's kind of a coming of age story with codpieces and hairspray.

And immediate access to a toilet structure is essential to masculinity, is it?


If you are merely cheap, as opposed to destitute, my best advice is to just spend $40 on bra. The improvement in quality when you are willing to up to that price range is huge. Wacoal makes really well made bras in the $40 range. You can find them in major department stores. Calvin Klein also makes some really

Have you checked out your career services office? They can be really helpful for new grads on a job hunt.

Did you even look at the linked article? They did mix up the genders. But hey, cool story, bro!

Can you point me to the published, double-blind studies that you did on this? Oh, my mistake, you are talking out your ass.

This one has neurological effects which might affect the developing brain. I don't know all her other drugs or their effects, but say something might stunt her growth. So what, she can be short and still reach her full potential when she grows up. If her neurological growth is stunted, well, we have no idea what the

This is a red herring b/c 1) pot doesn't cure leukemia and 2) there are other anti-nausea drugs.

No, there are not. Ask. You are a big girl, time to have the big girl conversations.