
It's ok not to want to have sex. What about other physical affection? Is hugging ok? Cuddling? Naked cuddling? Naked anything? Think about these things on your own b/f bringing it up with him.

I don't think that was a pity date. I think a friend will act as a go between to set you up without making fun of you for wanting a date in the first place is gold. I hope you are still friends with her.

The problem I have with this, is that yoghurt goes bad. If the amount of whey in yoghurt is not enough to keep it from going bad, why would a small amount in something else keep it good?

Without knowing what the problem is, whatever you try might just make things worse. Is PP an option for you?

First, I am really sorry you are going through this. That someone is a douchebag.

Just read your update - hope the talk goes the way you want it to.

Hagman was quite a dish in his day. I didn't realize as a kid just how much a "catch" his character was, either. I mean, the convertible, the uniform, the sports coat ... Yeah, I'd hit that.

" I can understand those feelings. They will take time to work through."

We've got one of those dickheads below.


Again, light therapy lamps are more than just full spectrum lamps. If you go to the Verilux website, you can see the difference in specs between the HappyLight line of light therapy lamps and the model above.

Nelson, Roger, Jeannie ... Who is the fourth? The director?

This is sort of funny but a little bit weird. Vader was already going down the evil road by the time Luke and Leia were born. Seeing these books is a little like watching bad science in a sci-fi flick. I just get this feeling of "Ok, but that's not how it works."

Light therapy lamps are more than just full spectrum lamps. They are actually weighted towards the blue end of the spectrum, and they have to be a certain minimum lux. That lamp is very pretty, but it is not a light therapy lamp. It's kind of irresponsible to claim that it is.

Fortunately, female genital cutting is rare in this country, and we come down pretty hard when we find people who practice it.

I think with a lazy, adult male (neutered, I assume), it will be fine. Just don't put anything where he can reach it, including if he were to stand on his hind legs and stretch, and don't use anything that will be bad for him if he eats it, just in case.

No lie, I went to the drug store one night to purchase WD-40 and condoms. What? I was out of both.

I'm trying to picture a world where I have run out of WD-40 but have plenty of acetone and automatic transmission fluid made from dextron/mercron.

At five years old, I think any book with a girl hero that is intended for girls is also going to be good for boys. Just hit the kids' section and ask for a book a 5 yr old girl that has good role models for girls, then after you buy it/check it out say, "Psych, I'm going to read it to my son!" and cackle loudly. OK,

And one of the good moral lessons that girls and boys should be learning is that girls can be heros.