
I livestreamed our attempt last night. He’s a really hard fight. We attempted for a good hour and a half and couldn’t beat him. Then, on a final whim, I loaded in and ran it solo. After finding the perfect spot to take shots at him with and duck from plasma caster fire, I emerged victorious. It is indeed an endurance

Nah, I’m with you, I really liked Insect Armageddon. It had a certain charm to it. I think it might have been the banter, that helped a lot.

There is SO MUCH story in this series and the trailer seems to cover at least the first three or four volumes, if I remember right. I’ve read the entire series save the final volume and it’s just amazing. The most artistic and beautiful (in it’s morbid way) rendition of dismemberment ever created on paper, I wonder

This looks like an enormous waste of the potential having the rights to that many giant monster properties. You have Godzilla, Ultraman, Patlabor, Evangelion, etc. and you’re not fighting/being those massive figures you’re just some scrubs on the ground running for cover? Sadly, I will have to pass. It looks boring.

Now playing

Kim Boekbinder also used solar radiation sounds from a distant star to make a song as well.

And I’m going to guess, just like last time, they won’t come in my size.

I’d have to say, only the first season is worth watching. For some reason, season 2 seemed like they dumbed down the characters, made Ted stupid, and just wasn’t as charming or witty.

In my own elitist way, I’ve always said that if you don’t know THAC0, you’re not a true tabletopper.

It should also be noted that Big Trouble in Little China was also meant to be another Buckaroo Banzai story. In fact, the Banzai Institute has Jack Burton listed as a Blue Blazer Irregular in homage to that.

Honestly, this is one of the most perfect songs I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. I can’t even remember where or when I first heard it, but it was shortly after it came out and I was just discovering electronica in my awkward middle school/early high school days.

Why is it Ubisoft? It’s already been established that Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs exist in the same world (references to ctOS in the Abstergo security emails in Rogue, possibly in other places). So shouldn’t it be an Abstergo Entertainment rep pissed off about their new Animus game being leaked?

I’ve purchased two Razer keyboards and a mouse and all of them failed on me in a couple of months. Razer makes absolute crap that is needlessly over-engineered. Wouldn’t take a keyboard from them even if you paid me the retail value.

I’ve purchased two Razer keyboards and a mouse and all of them failed on me in a couple of months. Razer makes

I’m disappointed in the lack of a permanently lodged couch in a stairwell.

It really was bad. It focused way too heavily on shooting (which was not Sleeping Dog’s strong suit) and it had bad mobile game mechanics. Also, no “Not Ping.”

Oh man, I thought I was the only one who didn’t play Gwent. I was actually upset they forced me to play it in Hearts of Stone. I’d done so good avoiding it.

Oh man, I thought I was the only one who didn’t play Gwent. I was actually upset they forced me to play it in Hearts of Stone. I’d done so good avoiding it.

Thanks for this. I was actually getting a little miffed but now knowing they’re characters from another series that makes more sense. After all, people will totally paint themselves up as reds or blues or whatever to be alien or what have you... but blackface is WAY racist, don’t do that.

I’m going to blow by what I’m seeing as popular opinion and state I like the new animus. If anything, it makes even more sense why someone would come out of it with the skills and reflexes of their ancestors. How do you build the conditioning and muscle memory of an assassin if your physical body lies on a table,

Saw Hellgate, got excited.