
That intro gave me some hard flashbacks to MTV’s Liquid Television.

I own Lene’s solo album and I really, really enjoy it. She also keeps out the high squeak from her Aqua days. It’s some pretty enjoyable stuff.

Oh, this is good news.

River City Ransom

Day is cute and entertaining in the right role... but intimidating, never, and certainly doesn’t fit the mad scientist role at all. Little disappointed in this choice, really hoping I’m proven wrong.

I thought it was funny. Also, I’m reserving judgement for the moment as, since they announced the break-up of Miss Piggy and Kermit a number of weeks ago, I have a feeling the main plot of this series is going to be bringing the magic and love back to a world where cold reality and the mid-life grind has taken over.

I am SO stealing this and reworking it into my current tabletop game I’m running.

Definitely could be that. We were also prone to taking serotonin precursors (5-htp) to help our bodies bounce back afterwards as well so it could also be the method. Like I said, I had some “professional” drug takers with me at the time. :) Although as someone who has had clinical depression as well, I hear ya.

In all of my experiences with it I never experienced a down. Maybe it’s my own body chemistry or I was just taking it with some real “professionals” but all I got was the fun, euphoric parts and none of the down. I’ve had pure and I’ve had cut and the best “roll” I ever had was with one cut with caffeine. Drink your

This is why I only travel with my luggage in steel boxes, welded shut. True, I can only pack a handful of clothes and toiletries because of weight limits, but I have a better sense of security.

I’d really like a more noir based pseudo-rpg that involved basic combat but mostly discussion and investigation like the original mangas mostly involved. Yes, there were some glorious scenes of combat but it was mostly infiltration, back alley dealings, and political intrigue.

I’m going to be reeeeaaaally disappointed if the final product doesn’t have MasakoX voicing Goku.

I got really excited when I heard they were making a game based of the Tad Williams novels. Otherland does make perfect sense for an MMO. However, I agree, my preview copy was an absolute mess. The difference between weapons made little sense, the assassin class seemed to have no merit, and gameplay overall was

I drove something similar but larger when I did aquatic weed control up in Lake Washington. It’s front end was like a scoop with a conveyor but the sides were all chopping blades.

If this isn’t an argument to just wait for the “Game of the Year” Editions of games, I don’t know what is.

Kung Fu Dunk exists and is surprisingly good when, at first, seemed like a simple cash grab.

On the plus side, it’s Lego. Just put it back together again.

I came here to post this. You beat me to it. Incredible stories here.

My favorite type of magic... lesbomancy.