
I had that rig. It didn't add too much weight to the thing... considering I had a motorcycle battery hooked up to it to make sure the power never died.

There is a Superman v. Aliens comic. He does get facehugged.

Now playing

Anytime I see stuff like this I can't help but think of this group. While not quick as sharp in the movement as this guy, I still think they pull it off quite effectively.

Now playing

Came here to post this. However, perhaps a link would help?

Pacific Rim is safe. Why? Because it was fun.

If I didn't hate MOBAs (except for Awesomenauts, I have fun with that one) and the community around them (sorry, they're all jerks, every one I've encountered) I would heavily consider getting into LoL just to play this champion in this skin. The concept is awesome, the music is sweet, and it looks great.

After watching the Cinematic trailer, can we just skip the overplayed genre and go straight for an animated series? Please?

I put in over 600 hours on the original PS2 Monster Hunter. I bought a Wii and a Wii U specifically to play Monster Hunter. I love this series but I will never touch a portable version. This games scale is too grand for so small a screen and it continues to hurt me how Capcom refuses to release Frontier and other

I may have to reread my Manga because I don't remember Dunane EVER sporting abbreviated clothes in combat, much less a perpetual cleavage window.

Whelp, time to buy a new stick.

This sounds familiar... although less fun.

Hey, it's a Herman's Head reboot! I loved that show!

Awesome! Now I don't have to watch the series, I've seen all the important bits right here. :D

Aaaaaaand, disappointed. I wanted something deep, intelligent, open like "The Secret World" as this seemed to be copying so heavily from. And this comes out. A hack-n-slash dungeon crawler was not at all what I had in mind from Bioware.

Since the beginning, this has just screamed "The Secret World." I was never a fan of MMOs but I played the hell out of that game because I loved the lore, the storytelling, and the concept. This seems just more of it and, with it NOT being an MMO and with 4-player co-op, I may really, really dig this.

I need to say, because a lot of people either forget this or don't know, that Movie Sins is made for fun. They do this to all kinds of movies, even ones they like, because they find it silly and entertaining. They are hypercritical and nitpicky because it's their form of comedy. I would never take a Movie Sin film

I'd like to add "Music by Junkie XL" locked it down absolutely for me.

May be a fatal flaw, but I like Luc Besson.

To be fair, this was said in a preview and a quick quip from the scene. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and have that just be an attention piece for people who don't know any better, and in the movie itself that scene continues with Freeman's character explaining how that's an urban myth and

However, he does make a good point... where is the Carmen Sandiego series? With our interconnectivity you could easily make it so it updated with current events. I'd love to play that series again.