
Given that is was only 48 minutes long, did you get a refund to ensure they got no money?  I would have.

Firstly, I’m surprised Musk had ever read Heinlein, much less read Stranger in a Strange Land. Secondly, it is clear he doesn’t have the faintest grasp at what Grok meant and is profaning its understanding. I’m disproportionately upset about this, but upset none the less.

As someone who works for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, let me say that the Kotaku comment section was the last place I ever expected it to be mentioned, but I appreciate it.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Chick-fil-a and, more specifically Dan Cathy, still donate money to anti-LGBT organizations, or larger charitable organizations that distribute money to anti-LGBT orgs?

Correct me if I’m wrong, because I haven’t played the game, but didn’t Velma need to collect evidence before she could call the cops? She wasn’t being a Karen because she was doing her due diligence in ensuring she wasn’t calling the cops on an innocent person.

Now playing

If they didn’t hire some, if not all, the folks involved in Nuka Break (Wayside Creations) then what are we even doing here?

I’m glad someone read my Facebook post from 2018.

Reminds me of a book I have floating around my house somewhere...

Floating solar systems aren’t a new thing.  Usually they’re on floating pontoons and just anchored on the shore to keep them in place.  Should their be a flood or something similar, they just float on top.

Firstly, I’ll be astounded if anything comes of this. People in positions of power never seem to get what they deserve for doing terrible things.

As someone who still plays this game daily, the real problem is a lack of content. I own all the weapons / attachments / skills / cosmetics, played all the levels. What it needs is just more, really. The gameplay itself is great, all the classes are fun (doc still needs a lot of work, though), even the storyline is

Deal with them like any other footman would - use a spear. Dual spears (specifically Gae Bolg and Gungnir) have the reach and the power. Dodge or parry their attacks and just lay into them. No issue.

What really chaps my hide about these guys is hitting them with the Harpoon Impalement ability does NOT pull them off

This is why editors are important, kids.

I really wanted to like this game but I’ll never know.  My wife got it for me for xmas and it would not play.  The game’s controller support is absolute garbage and their support was zero help.  If they ever fix it, I’ll play, but that seems like hoping for too much.

I played the HELL out of Air Combat. Nothing was more fun then flying against MiGs while piloting a P-51.

I thought this was a story about Rudy Giuliani’s ass ripping during his Michigan testimony and theories about what actually happened.

Super late to the party but the combat is clunky and horribly unresponsive. If you’re expecting to actually parry anything in this game, you need to plan ahead, because any attack you’re already doing needs to finish its animation, and then you can start the defensive animation. So utterly forget about it if you’re

I thought HyperCard was long forgotten!  I loved making stupid games in that.

Given that half my group is female, I’d say that applies.

While me and my group (half of them women) will never fall under this sort of issue, we’re still rather upset with this sort of puritanical and absurd treatment. Is Mixer a viable option? Are there any other streaming services that is a better home for gaming streamers?