
Better idea: ditch WhatsApp, use Telegram.

Just please tell me they’re ditching the horrible force-romance story hook.  He’s the devil, falling for a human woman is painfully boring and cliche for this type of story.  Let him remain what he is.

I’ve never understood why that can’t simply have PvE and PvP servers.

Is that Bucky O’Hare?

I’ve seen it.  It was wonderful campy goodness.  I highly recommend it.

I honestly just wished they’d create PvE servers, where other players were essentially ghosted for you unless you were in the same organization and friendly fire was turned on.  Increase the number of NPCs that attack you in jobs so you still have a challenge, but remove all of these ridiculous trolls so we can

Monster Hunter.  So much Monster Hunter.  It finally came out on PC, I’ve played every console release since the beginning.  I fear how many hours I’m going to put into this ridiculous game but I love it so and I have a crew I’ve been, for the most part, running with for 14 years.

Oh, THAT’S what you appreciate about me.

End of the laneway.  No degens on the property.

I can’t understand paying anything more than $200 for a Chromebook. It’s not a full computer, it doesn’t give you the flexibility one would expect from a full computer. However, given a cheap price point, they can be perfect. I bought an Asus C100P Flip for about $200 and it’s served me perfectly. I can watch movies,

This is the game that broke me from Capcom. When they hid the ending of the game behind a DLC, and even told you that if you wanted the ending you had to buy it, I was done. If it wasn’t for Monster Hunter when it is rarely released on an actual console instead of a handheld, they’d never get money from me.

The lack of PvE content is why I will never buy Overwatch. I’m done with PvP, I get no enjoyment out of it. They make a library of dedicated PvE missions or an honest-to-goodness single player/co-op campaign and I will happily buy Overwatch. I love the world and the characters that they’ve developed but the game

My group and I have been livestreaming this since it came out (we only do it once a week) and have been continually disappointed. One of our members is a MASSIVE fan of the original and even with her rose-tinted nostalgia glasses, it’s been a large letdown.

Man, I can’t even break 100 subs and 10 viewers...

The only thing that irks me about this, because everything else is awesome, is how cookie cutter it is. Aside from the intro reveal, the fights are all choreographed the same.

My group is livestreaming our D&D game this month. We’ve been doing it for about a year now and really haven’t gotten anywhere, audience wise. Honestly, aside from shameless self-promotion I’m not sure where else to turn so when you asked what we were playing this weekend (from noon-6pm Pacific on Saturday), I figured

Came here to post this. Ya beat me to it.

Don’t forget Peter Jackson also directed Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles, and Dead Alive. Shlock is this man’s homecoming.