
Ah, the cultural differences. In Germany (I'm assuming that's where this took place) people are chill, laugh at the humor, don't get terribly upset. Had he done this in the US he would have been arrested, interrogated, and possibly shot depending on who he bothered.

I have an honest question about cabling such as this. I know the whole line that HDMI is digital and therefore it either works or it doesn't but I have a personal experience that says otherwise and would honestly like an explanation for educational purposes.

I'm going to go with scam for the moment. If nothing else, your contact name was Bohica, which is a common acronym for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again." Sounds like you're gonna get screwed.

They did, it's called EVE Online.

Is it just me or does it seem like a lot of what he does really doesn't effect the music that much? At one point it's tracking his hands and hos far apart they are and he moves them together and the music stops... but later, it's doing the same tracking and the music stops without his hands being together, in fact

Put it's prehensile, so the only cape you can compare it to is Spawn's... which is damn dangerous for everyone BUT Spawn.

Might just be personal opinion but I thought Borderlands was hailed as having the best examples of DLC done right (aside from Underdome... no one liked Underdome.)

Did they paint a portrait of Cindi Mayweather?

This works. One posting said to save your money and just spam the Recruit packs. It's a cheap way to level up your starting weapons and you start getting rares in them because it has nothing else to generate.

The Saber is in SP. You find it in Priority: Horizon. I missed it the first time myself. However, I agree with the sentiment that we should be able to purchase the DLC weapons for MP in the SP game.

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Seriously? No mention of this? The inevitable sequel?

"Nudity and violence are as much a part of the Troopers world as an unhinged Casper Van Dien."

If I'm not streaming from Pandora, I'm using WinAmp. It's just too awesome and simple. iTunes is such a bloated piece of proprietary garbage.

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While I too wish for a professionally produced work based on this game, a person on this very site pointed me towards a really good machinima. I highly recommend it.

Meh, I'll wait for the anime and snicker pervertedly as I watch.