
This is AWESOME! Last I had heard these guys got a cease-and-desist letter from Square Enix. MP was the only thing missing from this game.

Wasn't GTA: Vice City set in Miami?

More pop trash. I have no love for it either.

The shooting issue I never had. However, I've been unable to finish it due to a gas filter bug where I'm stuck trying to get across a room, with combat and NPCs I need to protect, on a quarter of a gas filter and there are no spares. Even restored from a save at the beginning of the chapter and the game won't give

Exactly. It's our turn.

Damn you, Gearbox, for making awesome Collector Editions of games I already plan on buying. So much money, gone... and all your fault.

You know what would be awesome? If the vorcha could eat an enemy to get health back. That would be awesome.

And that right there is the depressing truth of the world.

#4: I HATED that mission. The only way I found I could complete it was by parking my Y-wing on top of his shuttle and using my own shields to take the brunt of the bombs being thrown at us while turning and shooting back.

Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing... I am mesmerized.

Ugh, I know that feeling. Same battle and I finished him off with a sniper shot to the head with the Javelin. Skull popped like an overripe melon. And yet, cut-scene and he's fine. Grrr.

Agreed. Cannot stand FPS on a console. Unless this game supports mouse/keyboard on the PS3.

Isn't this effectively what's wrong with Deadpool? The cancer eats away at his brains and his healing factor (donated by Wolverine) heals the cells back but he loses memories and gains fun little bouts of dementia!

I only brought up the shooting and explosions as a warning to others. Those things are included in the game, in good numbers, and almost completely absent in the movie. Some people may not expect the vast deviation between movie and game that those two items possess.


If you're talking about the original Russian B&W sci-fi, I thought it was quite good. A lot of introspect and philosophy, not so much the shooting and explosions you'd expect but very good in its own right. Ever read Roadside Picnic, which is the source for all of it?

The other thing you have to remember about the Rock Band tracks is not only is it the music they're licensing, but the programmers who code four skill levels for four or more instruments, and the animation/lip-syncing for each song; hence why they're more expensive then just buying the songs from an online music store.

I know that feel, bro.

And you are the reason I searched through the comments before saying that myself.

I want this ending. Much like the ending of Buckaroo Banzai - it's not canon but it is awesome.