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What about The Worst Witch? True, it predates Harry Potter by near 20-years, but it might as well be a clone! Or Harry Potter is a clone of the Worst Witch. Either way, you get Tim Curry in a rainbow cloak! [www.imdb.com]

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I've always had a special place in my heart for this one.

Blue Planet was a little smarter, however. The cetaceans in BP used remote-controlled drones instead of macha-suits to interact on-shore. Much smarter. :D But I agree, BP was the first thing that came to my mind as well.

Quality over quantity, I say! Blur totally deserves that money.

I thought the official story was just that Dragon Age was a video game in the Mass Effect universe, hence the Blood Dragon armor in ME, but that was it.

One, I'd guess... with corporate backing. Without, three or four?

I think it really depends on the game. Microsoft experimented with it a number of years ago and ended up scrapping it. Any time there was a match of PC players vs. Console players in an FPS, the PC gamers wiped the floor with the console games. Console controls can't match the reaction time, speed, or precision of

Why oh why don't they hire Blur to do these things? After all, they're the ones who made the kick-ass trailers for these games, the trailers that rock so very hard and look so damn good? I like anime as much as the next guy, but when your source material is realistic CG, stick to the realistic CG.

Well Happy Birthday to ME!

Wait wait wait... Freddie was flying the tailing jet? That doesn't make sense, he should have been on the ground driving a front-loader full of C4 into the guy on the ground.

Maybe I'm missing something. What's HD about this? This looks just like my Dreamcast copy which I played not too long ago so it's still nice and fresh in my mind. Was hoping they'd actually clean it up a bit, remove the jaggies, maybe thinner outlines or cleaner curves. Isn't that what HD should be about?

Where have I heard this before...?

You know what would make this gold? Base the series off of The Acts Of Gord. Take them directly and use them as scripts and you'd have a show I would definitely watch.

Brought to you by RepubliCorp©. We're here for you.*

Hey, Starbreeze! Release a friggin' demo for the PC and I won't have to pirate it to see if I like it!

It's Oil. We'll have drilling facilities within the next five years of Exxon-Mobil and BP have anything to say about it.

Oh, this just OOOZES with pure 80's brilliance with a strong hint of Billy Idol. I totally approve!

Finally, first-day DLC I have NO problem with. Everything they want to charge you money for can be unlocked just by playing the game. People who are impatient and simply MUST have those costumes, go right ahead and dump your money into it. Meanwhile the rest of us gamers will do what we do best: game. We'll earn

I think I'll throw in my two cents here from what I got off the demo. Horrible glitches and graphical upsets aside, it seemed to me like the simplicity of control akin to Fable while attempting the complexity of activity akin to Elder Scrolls. They included resource gathering and crafting skills but made it fairly